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A query mediation approach to interoperability of heterogeneous databases (2000)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Huang, H.-C., Kerridge, J., & Chen, S.-L. (2000, January). A query mediation approach to interoperability of heterogeneous databases. Presented at 11th Australasian Database Conference (ADC) 2000, Canberra, ACT, Australia

The need to transform queries between heterogeneous databases arises in many circumstances, including query transformation between a global and a local query. This paper describes a query mediation approach to the interoperability of heterogeneous da... Read More about A query mediation approach to interoperability of heterogeneous databases.

Investigating the use of force feedback for motion-impaired users (2000)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Keates, S., Langdon, P., Clarkson, J., & Robinson, P. (2000, October). Investigating the use of force feedback for motion-impaired users. Presented at 6th ERCIM Workshop, Florence, Italy

For users with motion impairments, the standard keyboard and mouse arrangement for computer access often presents problems. Other approaches have to be adopted to overcome this. There is evidence to suggest that increasing the degrees-offreedom, and... Read More about Investigating the use of force feedback for motion-impaired users.

Investigating industry attitudes to universal design. (2000)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Keates, S., Lebbon, C., & Clarkson, J. (2000, June). Investigating industry attitudes to universal design. Presented at RESNA 2000 Annual Conference: Technology for the New Millennium, Orlando, Florida

The general population in most countries is getting older. With increasing age comes increasing variability in physical capability and hence a greater requirement for products and services to be designed for a broader user base. However, the products... Read More about Investigating industry attitudes to universal design..

A model for inclusive design (2000)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Clarkson, P. J., Keates, S., Coleman, R., Lebbon, C., & Johnston, M. (2000, December). A model for inclusive design. Presented at Design for Excellence: Engineering Design Conference 2000

No abstract available.

Using haptic feedback to enhance computer interaction for motion-impaired users (2000)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Langdon, P., Keates, S., Clarkson, P. J., & Robinson, P. (2000, September). Using haptic feedback to enhance computer interaction for motion-impaired users. Presented at 3rd international conference on disability, virtual reality and associated technologies (ICDVRAT 2000), Alghero, Sardinia, Italy

For users with motion impairments, the standard keyboard and mouse arrangement for computer access often presents problems. Other approaches have to be adopted to overcome this. There is evidence to suggest that increasing the degrees-of-freedom, and... Read More about Using haptic feedback to enhance computer interaction for motion-impaired users.

Abstraction: a key notation for reverse engineering in a system re-engineering approach. (2000)
Journal Article
Yang, H., Liu, X., & Zedan, H. (2000). Abstraction: a key notation for reverse engineering in a system re-engineering approach. Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, 12, 197-228.

This paper advocates that extracting formal specification semantically consistent to the original legacy system will facilitate further redesign and forward engineering greatly. The three parts of reengineering could be integrated on the basis of a w... Read More about Abstraction: a key notation for reverse engineering in a system re-engineering approach..

DISCOVERing the impact of reality (poster session) (2000)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Dawson, L., Turner, S., Turner, P., Dawson, L., & Munro, A. (2000, September). DISCOVERing the impact of reality (poster session). Presented at Proceedings of the third international conference on Collaborative virtual environments - CVE '00

In this poster paper, we introduce the DISCOVER project, which
is developing a CVE for teams to practice managing emergencies
in offshore and maritime domains. Many factors constrain design
in such contexts. Here we describe just one of them, the... Read More about DISCOVERing the impact of reality (poster session).

HCI 2000 Volume II (2000)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Turner, S., & Turner, P. (2000, September). HCI 2000 Volume II. Presented at HCI 2000 usability or else!

Small group design activity and requirements on collaborative technologies. (2000)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Turner, S., & Cross, N. (2000, September). Small group design activity and requirements on collaborative technologies. Presented at CoDesign 2000, Coventry

In the last decade or so, many collaborative technologies have been developed which aim to allow people in geographically distributed locations to work together as if sharing the same space. Such tools range from the simple asynchronous resources of... Read More about Small group design activity and requirements on collaborative technologies..

Uncovering the context for collaboration. (2000)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Turner, P., & Turner, S. (2000, September). Uncovering the context for collaboration. Presented at 7th UK VR-SIG Conference

Cui Bono? (2000)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Turner, P., & Turner, S. (2000, July). Cui Bono?. Presented at 1st French-British Virtual Reality International Workshop

No abstract available.

British political parties: continuity and change in the information age. (2000)
Book Chapter
Smith, C. F. (2000). British political parties: continuity and change in the information age. In I. Horrocks, J. Hoff, & P. Tops (Eds.), Democratic Governance and New Technology: Technologically Mediated Innovations in Political Practice in Western Europe (72-87). Routledge

The Prometheus Taxonomic Model: a practical approach to representing multiple classification. (2000)
Journal Article
Pullan, M. R., Watson, M. F., Kennedy, J., Raguenaud, C., & Hyam, R. (2000). The Prometheus Taxonomic Model: a practical approach to representing multiple classification. Taxon, 49, 55-75

A model for representing taxonomic data in a flexible and dynamic system capable of handling and comparing multiple simultaneous classifications is presented. The Prometheus Taxonomic Model takes as its basis the idea that a taxon can be circumscribe... Read More about The Prometheus Taxonomic Model: a practical approach to representing multiple classification..

Software agents and computer network security. (2000)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Pikoulas, J., Mannion, M., & Buchanan, W. J. (2000, April). Software agents and computer network security

Preventing unauthorised access to corporate information systems is essential for many organisations. To address this problem we built a security enhancement software system using software agents, in which a core software agent resides on a server and... Read More about Software agents and computer network security..

Stone Soup (2000)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Paechter, B., Fogarty, T. C., Burke, E., Cumming, A., & Rankin, B. (2000, August). Stone Soup

Speed and scale up software re-engineering with abstraction patterns and rules. (2000)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Liu, X., Yang, H., Zedan, H., & Cau, A. (2000, November). Speed and scale up software re-engineering with abstraction patterns and rules. Presented at International Symposium on Principles of Software Evolution, 2000

Software reengineering is an essential part of software evolution. Two important issues faced by software reengineering techniques are the time involved and the ability to cope with the scale of software systems. Unless these two issues have been add... Read More about Speed and scale up software re-engineering with abstraction patterns and rules..

Designing non-speech sounds to support navigation in mobile phone menus. (2000)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
LePlâtre, G., & Brewster, S. A. (2000, April). Designing non-speech sounds to support navigation in mobile phone menus. Presented at ICAD 2000

This paper describes a framework for integrating non-speech audio to hierarchical menu structures where the visual feedback is limited. In the first part of this paper, emphasis is put on how to extract sound design principles from actual navigation... Read More about Designing non-speech sounds to support navigation in mobile phone menus..

Enhancing the performance of a GA through visualisation. (2000)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hart, E., & Ross, P. (2000, July). Enhancing the performance of a GA through visualisation. Presented at GECCO 2000

This article describes a new tool for visualising genetic algorithms, (GAs) which is designed in order to allow the implicit mechanisms
of the GA | i.e. crossover and mutation | to be thoroughly analysed. This allows the user to determine whether th... Read More about Enhancing the performance of a GA through visualisation..