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Large join order optimization on parallel shared-nothing database machines using genetic algorithms (1997)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Nafjan, K. A., & Kerridge, J. M. (1997, August). Large join order optimization on parallel shared-nothing database machines using genetic algorithms. Presented at Euro-Par'97 Parallel Processing: Third International Euro-Par Conference, Passau, Germany

This paper proposes the use of genetic algorithms (GAs) for optimizing the sequence of large joins execution on parallel shared-nothing database architectures. In order to measure the suitability of this method we compare the GA that we have specific... Read More about Large join order optimization on parallel shared-nothing database machines using genetic algorithms.

User modelling and the design of computer-based assistive devices (1997)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Keates, S., & Dowland, R. (1997, March). User modelling and the design of computer-based assistive devices. Presented at IEE Colloquium on Computers in the Service of Mankind: Helping the Disabled, London, UK

User models are well represented in the field of human-computer interaction. They afford designers of interfaces detailed quantitative knowledge of the user for improved design, both in terms of the final end-product and the time taken to achieve thi... Read More about User modelling and the design of computer-based assistive devices.

The role of user modelling in rehabilitation robotics. (1997)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Keates, S., & Robinson, P. (1997, April). The role of user modelling in rehabilitation robotics. Presented at ICORR '97: International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, Bath, UK

No abstract available.

User performance modelling and cognitive load (1997)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Keates, S., & Robinson, P. (1997, June). User performance modelling and cognitive load. Presented at RESNA '97 Annual Conference: let's tango : partnering people and technology, Pittsburgh, PA

No abstract available.

Gesture recognition - Research and clinical perspectives. (1997)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Keates, S., Potter, R., Perricos, C., & Robinson, P. (1997, June). Gesture recognition - Research and clinical perspectives. Presented at RESNA '97 Annual Conference: let's tango : partnering people and technology, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

This paper provides an overview of an existing gesture recognition system from both research and clinical perspectives. Developing a gestural input system needs not only a gesture recognizer but also the identification of appropriate clinical conditi... Read More about Gesture recognition - Research and clinical perspectives..

Supporting cooperative working using shared notebooks. (1997)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Turner, P., & Turner, S. (1997, September). Supporting cooperative working using shared notebooks

This paper discusses the use of a shared cooperative notebook by a group of software engineers and support staff distributed over two sites. The design: of the notebook is described and results of the pilot trial reported It was found that the system... Read More about Supporting cooperative working using shared notebooks..

Distance estimation in minimal virtual reality environments. (1997)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Turner, P., & Turner, S. (1997, November). Distance estimation in minimal virtual reality environments

This paper reports on an experimental study into distance estimation in a simple virtual environment. The results have been then compared with an experimental study of spatial cognition in the real world. It is concluded that the minimal virtual envi... Read More about Distance estimation in minimal virtual reality environments..

Collaborative notebooks for the virtual workplace. (1997)
Book Chapter
Turner, P., Green, S., Turner, S., & Mayne, P. (1997). Collaborative notebooks for the virtual workplace. In M. Igbaria, & M. Tan (Eds.), The Virtual Workplace (187-198). Idea Press

Representing temporal relationships between events and their effects. (1997)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ma, J., Knight, B., & Peng, T. (1997, May). Representing temporal relationships between events and their effects. Presented at 4th Workshop on Temporal Representation and Reasoning

Temporal relationships between events and their effects
are complex. As the ejjects of a given event, a
proposition may change its truth value immediately after
the occurrence of the event and remain true until some
other events occur, while anot... Read More about Representing temporal relationships between events and their effects..

A discrete formalism for reasoning about action and change (1997)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Knight, B., Ma, J., & Peng, T. (1997, July). A discrete formalism for reasoning about action and change. Presented at The Twelfth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Engineering

No abstract available.

Wiedziec wiecej Internet (1997)
Buchanan, W. J. (1997). Wiedziec wiecej Internet. Wkt (Poland)

Ksi??ka ta m. In. Uczy jak korzysta? z internetu i sieci www.Opisuje bowiem techniczne aspekty tej ?wiatowej sieci informacyjnej. Dlatego te? mo?e by? wykorzystywana przez wszystkich uczniów i studentów, którzy nie tylko chc? korzysta? z internetu, l... Read More about Wiedziec wiecej Internet.

Mastering the Internet. (1997)
Buchanan, W. J. (1997). Mastering the Internet. Macmillan Press

This work offers an up-to-date account of all the component parts of the Internet and the World Wide Web, from architecture to networking. The book discusses key specifications relating to electronic mail, such as MiMe encoding and SMTP, and shows ho... Read More about Mastering the Internet..

Information and data modelling. (1997)
Benyon, D. (1997). Information and data modelling. Blackwell Publishers Inc

This text places data modelling alongside functional analysis. The first part of the book deals with information, data, data administration and the purpose for building data models. In the second part, the relational and entity-relationship data mode... Read More about Information and data modelling..

HCI design using entity-relationship models. (1997)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Benyon, D. (1997, August). HCI design using entity-relationship models. Presented at HCI International '97,7th International Conference of Human-Computer Interaction