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Visualisation Support for Biological Bayesian Network Inference (2019)
Vogogias, T. Visualisation Support for Biological Bayesian Network Inference. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

Extracting valuable information from the visualisation of biological data and turning it into a network model is the main challenge addressed in this thesis. Biological networks are mathematical models that describe biological entities as nodes and t... Read More about Visualisation Support for Biological Bayesian Network Inference.

The Meeting Journey: Supporting the Design of Interaction Within Co-located, Collaborative Device Ecologies (2019)
Ammeloot, A. The Meeting Journey: Supporting the Design of Interaction Within Co-located, Collaborative Device Ecologies. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

The combination of personal and Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) technologies with augmented "smart" spaces designed for collaborative work offers new design challenges for the HCI community. This thesis looks at how BYOD technologies can integrate with... Read More about The Meeting Journey: Supporting the Design of Interaction Within Co-located, Collaborative Device Ecologies.

The evaluation of data filtering criteria in wind turbine power performance assessment (2019)
Davison, B. The evaluation of data filtering criteria in wind turbine power performance assessment. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

The post-installation verification of wind turbine performance is an essential part of a wind energy project. Data collected from meteorological instruments and from the turbine is analysed to produce an estimate of the annual energy production (AEP)... Read More about The evaluation of data filtering criteria in wind turbine power performance assessment.

Utilising Reduced File Representations to Facilitate Fast Contraband Detection (2019)
McKeown, S. Utilising Reduced File Representations to Facilitate Fast Contraband Detection. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

Digital forensics practitioners can be tasked with analysing digital data, in all its forms, for legal proceedings. In law enforcement, this largely involves searching for contraband media, such as illegal images and videos, on a wide array of electr... Read More about Utilising Reduced File Representations to Facilitate Fast Contraband Detection.

Real-time 3D Graphic Augmentation of Therapeutic Music Sessions for People on the Autism Spectrum (2019)
McGowan, J. J. Real-time 3D Graphic Augmentation of Therapeutic Music Sessions for People on the Autism Spectrum. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

This thesis looks at the requirements analysis, design, development and evaluation of an application, CymaSense, as a means of improving the communicative behaviours of autistic participants through therapeutic music sessions, via the addition of a v... Read More about Real-time 3D Graphic Augmentation of Therapeutic Music Sessions for People on the Autism Spectrum.

Investigations into Decrypting Live Secure Traffic in Virtual Environments (2019)
McLaren, P. W. L. Investigations into Decrypting Live Secure Traffic in Virtual Environments. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

Malicious agents increasingly use encrypted tunnels to communicate with external servers. Communications may contain ransomware keys, stolen banking details, or other confidential information. Rapid discovery of communicated contents through decrypti... Read More about Investigations into Decrypting Live Secure Traffic in Virtual Environments.

Reliable and energy efficient mechanisms for wireless sensor networks (2019)
Ali, A. O. E. S. Reliable and energy efficient mechanisms for wireless sensor networks. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

Sensor nodes and their underlying communication technologies are characterised by restricted power resources, restricted processing, limited storage capacities, low data rates and lossy links, and they may also comprise up to a thousand nodes. Wirele... Read More about Reliable and energy efficient mechanisms for wireless sensor networks.

RESCUE: Evaluation of a Fragmented Secret Share System in Distributed-Cloud Architecture (2019)
Ukwandu, E. A. RESCUE: Evaluation of a Fragmented Secret Share System in Distributed-Cloud Architecture. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

Scaling big data infrastructure using multi-cloud environment has led to the demand for highly secure, resilient and reliable data sharing method. Several variants of secret sharing scheme have been proposed but there remains a gap in knowledge on th... Read More about RESCUE: Evaluation of a Fragmented Secret Share System in Distributed-Cloud Architecture.

How autonomous control can improve the performance of logistics networks - a simulation experiment (2019)
Preinl, T. How autonomous control can improve the performance of logistics networks - a simulation experiment. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

In this thesis the application of autonomous control concepts to logistics networks is studied by means of a simulation model. This simulation model is based on an actual outbound bulk product supply network of a commodity company.
Logistics planni... Read More about How autonomous control can improve the performance of logistics networks - a simulation experiment.

Efficient Routing Primitives for Low-power and Lossy Networks in Internet of Things (2019)
Ghaleb, B. Efficient Routing Primitives for Low-power and Lossy Networks in Internet of Things. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

At the heart of the Internet of Things (IoTs) are the Low-power and Lossy networks (LLNs), a collection of interconnected battery-operated and resource-constrained tiny devices that enable the realization of a wide range of applications in multiple d... Read More about Efficient Routing Primitives for Low-power and Lossy Networks in Internet of Things.

A Cognitive IoE (Internet of Everything) Approach to Ambient-Intelligent Smart Space (2019)
Singh Jamnal, G. A Cognitive IoE (Internet of Everything) Approach to Ambient-Intelligent Smart Space. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

At present, the United Nations figures claim that the current world population would rise from 7.6 billion to 8.5 billion in 2030 and 9.7 billion in 2050. Therefore by the 2050, 65 percent of world’s population would be living in urban mega-cities an... Read More about A Cognitive IoE (Internet of Everything) Approach to Ambient-Intelligent Smart Space.

Embedded document security using sticky policies and identity based encryption (2019)
Spyra, G. K. Embedded document security using sticky policies and identity based encryption. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

Data sharing domains have expanded over several, both trusted and insecure environments. At the same time, the data security boundaries have shrunk from internal network perimeters down to a single identity and a piece of information. Since new EU GD... Read More about Embedded document security using sticky policies and identity based encryption.

Load balancing and context aware enhancements for RPL routed Internet of Things. (2018)
Qasem, M. Load balancing and context aware enhancements for RPL routed Internet of Things. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

Internet of Things (IoT) has been paving the way for a plethora of potential applications, which becomes more spatial and demanding. The goal of this work is to optimise the performance within the IPv6 Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Network... Read More about Load balancing and context aware enhancements for RPL routed Internet of Things..

Research grounded support of student learning in Higher Education: The importance of dialogue and subject embedded, contextualised language and content. (2018)
Richards, K. Research grounded support of student learning in Higher Education: The importance of dialogue and subject embedded, contextualised language and content. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

This aim of this thesis is to demonstrate how the research that has been conducted by the author, as illustrated through the publications presented, adds to the domain of academic support – specifically the theory and practice of academic support wit... Read More about Research grounded support of student learning in Higher Education: The importance of dialogue and subject embedded, contextualised language and content..

Reliable and energy efficient scheduling protocols for wireless body area networks (WBAN) (2018)
Salayma, M. Reliable and energy efficient scheduling protocols for wireless body area networks (WBAN). (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) facilitates efficient and cost-effective e-health care and well-being applications. The WBAN has unique challenges and features compared to other Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). In addition to battery power consumpti... Read More about Reliable and energy efficient scheduling protocols for wireless body area networks (WBAN).

A pattern-driven corpus to predictive analytics in mitigating SQL injection attack (2018)
Uwagbole, S. A pattern-driven corpus to predictive analytics in mitigating SQL injection attack. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

The back-end database provides accessible and structured storage for each web application’s big data internet web traffic exchanges stemming from cloud-hosted web applications to the Internet of Things (IoT) smart devices in emerging computing. Struc... Read More about A pattern-driven corpus to predictive analytics in mitigating SQL injection attack.

Fraud prevention in the B2C e-Commerce mail order business: a framework for an economic perspective on data mining (2018)
Knuth, T. Fraud prevention in the B2C e-Commerce mail order business: a framework for an economic perspective on data mining. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

A remarkable gap exists between the financial impact of fraud in the B2C e-commerce mail order business and the amount of research conducted in this area — whether it be qualitative or quantitative research about fraud prevention. Projecting publishe... Read More about Fraud prevention in the B2C e-Commerce mail order business: a framework for an economic perspective on data mining.

An approach to the semantic intelligence cloud (2018)
Greenwell, R. An approach to the semantic intelligence cloud. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

Cloud computing is a disruptive technology that aims to provide a utility approach to computing, where users can obtain their required computing resources without investment in infrastructure, computing platforms or services. Cloud computing resource... Read More about An approach to the semantic intelligence cloud.

A Closer Look at Adaptation Mechanisms in Simulated Environment-Driven Evolutionary Swarm Robotics (2017)
Steyven, A. S. W. A Closer Look at Adaptation Mechanisms in Simulated Environment-Driven Evolutionary Swarm Robotics. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

This thesis investigates several aspects of environment-driven adaptation in simulated evolutionary swarm robotics. It is centred around a specific algorithm for distributed embodied evolution called mEDEA.
Firstly, mEDEA is extended with an explici... Read More about A Closer Look at Adaptation Mechanisms in Simulated Environment-Driven Evolutionary Swarm Robotics.

Complex Pleasures: Designing Optional interactions for Public Spaces (2017)
Helgason, I. Complex Pleasures: Designing Optional interactions for Public Spaces. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

This research aims to contribute to knowledge about the design of interactive systems sited in public spaces. In particular, the study concerns "optional interactions" where systems invite interaction from passers-by. These systems are action-orienta... Read More about Complex Pleasures: Designing Optional interactions for Public Spaces.