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Getting in, getting on: fragility in student and graduate identity (2019)
Journal Article
Smith, S., Sobolewska, E., & Hunter, D. (2019). Getting in, getting on: fragility in student and graduate identity. Higher Education Research and Development, 38(5), 1046-1060.

Over a period of three years this longitudinal study explored new approaches to consider student identity during the transition from university to employment. Students were followed through a new portfolio-based final year course and beyond universit... Read More about Getting in, getting on: fragility in student and graduate identity.

Tailoring methodological bricolage to investigate non-discretionary use of digital technology (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Sobolewska, E. (2017, July). Tailoring methodological bricolage to investigate non-discretionary use of digital technology. Presented at BHCI 2017: Digital Make Believe, Sunderland, UK

Digital technology appears to be an integral part of everyday life: at homes, workplaces, during leisure time; mediating interactions, demanding attention and engagement. In the age of cloud computing, social media, and ubiquitous mobile devices, it... Read More about Tailoring methodological bricolage to investigate non-discretionary use of digital technology.

From employability attributes to professional identity: students transitioning to the workplace. (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Smith, S., Sobolewska, E., & Smith, I. (2014, October). From employability attributes to professional identity: students transitioning to the workplace

In order to realize the employment ambitions of graduates we can work with students to facilitate the construction of their identity as members of a global engineering profession. Of particular interest is whether (and, if so, how) students reconstru... Read More about From employability attributes to professional identity: students transitioning to the workplace..

Learning to Cope with Digital Technology (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Sobolewska, E. (2014, May). Learning to Cope with Digital Technology. Poster presented at FECCE, Postgraduate Research Conference 2014

There is a widespread assumption, that everyone uses modern interactive technology and appreciates its liberating effects. However, according to recent reports, ten million people in UK alone have never been on-line. Whilst four million of these peop... Read More about Learning to Cope with Digital Technology.

Learning to Cope with Digital Technology (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Sobolewska, E., & Benyon, D. (2011, July). Learning to Cope with Digital Technology. Presented at 25th BCS Conference on Human-Computer Interaction

Technology surrounds people; it functions as their best friend and the worst enemy. From a trip to the local supermarket, to almost every aspect of people's professional and social lives technology is present; mediating their interactions, demanding... Read More about Learning to Cope with Digital Technology.

Mental models, magical thinking and individual differences. (2009)
Journal Article
Turner, P., & Sobolewska, E. (2009). Mental models, magical thinking and individual differences. Human technology an interdisciplinary journal on humans in ICT environments, 5, 90-113

Broadly, there are two mutually exclusive accounts of how people (non-specialist users) reason about and conceptualize interactive technology. The first is based on classical cognitive psychology and is characterized by the term mental model. The sec... Read More about Mental models, magical thinking and individual differences..

Auto-ethnography: problems, pitfalls and promise (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Sobolewska, E., Smith, C. F., & Turner, P. (2009, April). Auto-ethnography: problems, pitfalls and promise. Paper presented at HCI Educators 2009

The teaching and perhaps more importantly the practice of ethnographic techniques has become increasing important within Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). But ethnography is also synonymous with in situ data collection over extended periods of time m... Read More about Auto-ethnography: problems, pitfalls and promise.