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The verbal and the visual in language learning and teaching: insights from the ‘Selfie Project’ (2018)
Journal Article
Victoria, M. (2021). The verbal and the visual in language learning and teaching: insights from the ‘Selfie Project’. Language Learning Journal, 49(2), 93-104.

That ‘a picture can stimulate a thousand words’ aptly summarizes the role of the visual in the field of language learning and teaching. The power of the image to generate language output has been
widely acknowledged in the field of second/foreign la... Read More about The verbal and the visual in language learning and teaching: insights from the ‘Selfie Project’.

Should we teach from materials developed with corpus linguistics? (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Richards, K., & Pilcher, N. (2016, October). Should we teach from materials developed with corpus linguistics?. Presented at IATEFL ESP SIG International Conference, Athens, Greece

In our presentation for the IATEFL ESP-SIG in Athens our intention was to create ‘wobble’ and genuine dialogue around the issue of the importance of ‘context’ in relation to corpus linguistics. We believe we failed to achieve this, as illustrated by... Read More about Should we teach from materials developed with corpus linguistics?.

Making sense of not making sense: Novice English language teacher talk (2017)
Journal Article
Stanley, P., & Stevenson, M. (2017). Making sense of not making sense: Novice English language teacher talk. Linguistics and Education, 38, 1-10.

This qualitative study critically examines the intelligibility of the teacher talk of novice native speaker English language teachers. It focuses on difficulties teachers face in adjusting their own English so that their learners can understand them.... Read More about Making sense of not making sense: Novice English language teacher talk.

Reduced credibility of non-native speakers: accent and processing fluency in the perception of native and foreign-accented speech. (2016)
Tajsiak, A. Reduced credibility of non-native speakers: accent and processing fluency in the perception of native and foreign-accented speech. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

Reduced credibility of non-native speakers: accent and processing fluency in the perception of native and foreign-accented speech.

Deconstructing 'Mono'-Lingualism: considerations of value for 'English' 'language' education in a global setting. (2015)
Book Chapter
Pilcher, N., & Richards, K. (2015). Deconstructing 'Mono'-Lingualism: considerations of value for 'English' 'language' education in a global setting. In L. T. Wong, & A. Dubey-Jhaveri (Eds.), English language education in a global world: practices, issues and challenges (81-90). Nova Science Publishers

Traditionally, language speakers are categorised as mono-lingual, bilingual, or multilingual. It is traditionally assumed in English language education that the ‘lingual’ is something that can be ‘fixed’ in form, written down to be learnt, and taught... Read More about Deconstructing 'Mono'-Lingualism: considerations of value for 'English' 'language' education in a global setting..

Language-learner Tourists in Australia: Problematizing 'The Known' and its Impact on Interculturality (2015)
Book Chapter
Stanley, P. (2015). Language-learner Tourists in Australia: Problematizing 'The Known' and its Impact on Interculturality. In D. J. Rivers (Ed.), Resistance to the Known: Counter-Conduct in Language Education (23-46). Palgrave Macmillan.

Think of ‘typical’ Australian scenes, and what springs to mind? Likely images include blond surfers on sun-drenched beaches, Indigenous faces patterned with paint, Sydney Opera House, cricket and rugby, dangerous wildlife and outback terrain, and cur... Read More about Language-learner Tourists in Australia: Problematizing 'The Known' and its Impact on Interculturality.

A critical ethnography of 'Westerners' teaching English in China: Shanghaied in Shanghai (2013)
Stanley, P. (2013). A critical ethnography of 'Westerners' teaching English in China: Shanghaied in Shanghai. Routledge

Tens of thousands of Western ‘teachers’, many of whom would not be considered teachers elsewhere, are employed to teach English in public and private education in China. Little has previously been known, except anecdotally, about their experiences, a... Read More about A critical ethnography of 'Westerners' teaching English in China: Shanghaied in Shanghai.

‘Qualified’? A framework for comparing ELT teacher preparation courses (2013)
Journal Article
Stanley, P., & Murray, N. (2013). ‘Qualified’? A framework for comparing ELT teacher preparation courses. Australian Review of Applied Linguistics, 36(1), 102-115.

There is no standard via which to measure the ‘qualified’ English language teacher in a way that is meaningful to institutions seeking to employ teaching staff. This is significant given that candidates may differ markedly in their language competenc... Read More about ‘Qualified’? A framework for comparing ELT teacher preparation courses.

The Steampunk Detective: Sherlock Holmes and Sherlock. (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Artt, S. (2012, June). The Steampunk Detective: Sherlock Holmes and Sherlock. Paper presented at Neo-Victorian Networks: Epistemologies, Aesthetics and Ethics

This paper will examine the recent refashioning of Arthur Conan Doyle's most famous creation as steampunk action hero in Guy Ritchie's Sherlock Holmes(2009) and Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows (2011), and alternatively as obssessive compulsive odd... Read More about The Steampunk Detective: Sherlock Holmes and Sherlock..

Remediation of asyntactic sentence comprehension using a multimedia microworld. (2002)
Journal Article
Beveridge, M. A., & Crerar, M. (2002). Remediation of asyntactic sentence comprehension using a multimedia microworld. Brain and Language, 82(3), 243-295.

We report the evaluation of a new automated protocol for the treatment of asyntactic comprehension. This is a follow-up study to the “Microworld for Aphasia” work of Crerar, Ellis, and Dean (1996). An efficacy study involving three patients is report... Read More about Remediation of asyntactic sentence comprehension using a multimedia microworld..