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Bringing pupils into building energy performance: school design, construction and operation (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Pomponi, F., Medina Campos, L., Moncaster, A., & Smith, S. (2017, July). Bringing pupils into building energy performance: school design, construction and operation. Presented at PLEA 2017 - Passive and Low Energy Architecture

Colegio Rochester is school in Colombia with a strong vision for sustainability. This vision permeates the new school building which was the first school in Latin America to be awarded a LEED Gold certification. This article uses Colegio Rochester as... Read More about Bringing pupils into building energy performance: school design, construction and operation.

Bio inspired design: when sun and wind are there to help (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Pomponi, F., Medina Campos, L., & Moncaster, A. (2017, June). Bio inspired design: when sun and wind are there to help. Paper presented at 23rd International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference

Colombia is increasingly acknowledging the role that bioclimatic design of buildings can play within both environmental sustainability — through reductions in energy consumption and GHG emissions — and social sustainability — through the promotion of... Read More about Bio inspired design: when sun and wind are there to help.

Why is it so dark in here? Perception of Brightness at Low Light Levels in Museum Environments. (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Innes, M. (2012, October). Why is it so dark in here? Perception of Brightness at Low Light Levels in Museum Environments. Presented at Professional Lighting Design Convention 2011

Many museum and gallery exhibits are fragile objects that would not survive repeated handling. Even where this is not the case, it is generally frowned upon for visitors to touch exhibits. As a result, vision is by far the most important sense for mu... Read More about Why is it so dark in here? Perception of Brightness at Low Light Levels in Museum Environments..

Estimation of hourly averaged solar irradiation: evaluation of models. (2010)
Journal Article
Tham, Y. W., Muneer, T., & Davison, B. (2010). Estimation of hourly averaged solar irradiation: evaluation of models. Building Services Engineering Research and Technology, 31, 9-25.

Hourly solar radiation data are required in many building services applications. These are also reported in the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers Guides A & J. Data from 16 locations in the UK were used to evaluate the so called Li... Read More about Estimation of hourly averaged solar irradiation: evaluation of models..

DEM simulations of granular materials involving principal stress rotation. (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Barreto, D., O'Sullivan, C., & Zdravkovic, L. (2008, May). DEM simulations of granular materials involving principal stress rotation. Paper presented at Inaugural International Conference of the Engineering Mechanics Institute - EM'08

No abstract available.

Building with Scottish Stone. (2005)
Wilson, P., McMillan, A., Maxwell, I., & Young, M. (2005). Building with Scottish Stone. Arcamedia & Natural Stone Institute

Building with Scottish Stone aims to encourage more use of stone sourced from Scotland’s working quarries and to provide a better understanding of those mineralogical properties which give each stone its distinctive quality. The nation’s architectura... Read More about Building with Scottish Stone..

The Philosopher's Garden. (2004)
Gillanders, R., France, P., & Lawson, J. (2004). The Philosopher's Garden. National Galleries of Scotland

A vision and methodology for integrated sustainable urban development: BEQUEST (2002)
Journal Article
Bentivegna, V., Curwell, S., Deakin, M., Lombardi, P., Mitchell, G., & Nijkamp, P. (2002). A vision and methodology for integrated sustainable urban development: BEQUEST. Building Research and Information, 30(2), 83-94.

The concepts and visions of sustainable development that have emerged in the post-Brundtland era are explored in terms laying the foundations for a common vision of sustainable urban development (SUD). The described vision and methodology for SUD res... Read More about A vision and methodology for integrated sustainable urban development: BEQUEST.

The assessment of sustainable urban development. (2002)
Journal Article
Deakin, M., Huovila, P., Rao, S., Sunikka, M., & Vreeker, R. (2002). The assessment of sustainable urban development. Building Research and Information, 30(2), 95-108.

This paper describes the outcomes of a survey of assessment methods for sustainable urban development (SUD) undertaken by an international network called BEQUEST. It addresses aspects of good practice in terms of SUD, explores the range of methods av... Read More about The assessment of sustainable urban development..

BEQUEST: the framework and directory of assessment methods. (2001)
Journal Article
Deakin, M., Curwell, S., & Lombardi, P. (2001). BEQUEST: the framework and directory of assessment methods. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 6(6), 373-383.

This paper has outlined the areas of the Environment and Climate Programme (Economic and Social Aspects of Human Settlement) the BEQUEST project addresses. It has also examined the framework for analysis the project sets out for a common understandin... Read More about BEQUEST: the framework and directory of assessment methods..

Wood as a designer's material. (2001)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Davies, I. (2000, December). Wood as a designer's material. Presented at Scottish Hardwoods, New Lanark

No abstract available.

Daylight illuminance modelling for the United Kingdom and Europe (1995)
Angus, R. C. Daylight illuminance modelling for the United Kingdom and Europe. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

This thesis highlights the benefits to occupants and owners of buildings who utilise daylight effectively. Many cases of absence are related to depression or Seasonal Adjustment Disorder(SAD) which results from inadequate exposure to daylight in the... Read More about Daylight illuminance modelling for the United Kingdom and Europe.