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Exploring Critical Conceptual Space in Hospitality Higher Education (2019)
Zhang, K. Y. Exploring Critical Conceptual Space in Hospitality Higher Education. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

This study employs criticality, an intellectual concept embedded in various educational values, to evaluate the degree of criticality currently manifested in hospitality and to engage with ‘disciplinary’ reflexivity to shed light on the developmental... Read More about Exploring Critical Conceptual Space in Hospitality Higher Education.

Research grounded support of student learning in Higher Education: The importance of dialogue and subject embedded, contextualised language and content. (2018)
Richards, K. Research grounded support of student learning in Higher Education: The importance of dialogue and subject embedded, contextualised language and content. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

This aim of this thesis is to demonstrate how the research that has been conducted by the author, as illustrated through the publications presented, adds to the domain of academic support – specifically the theory and practice of academic support wit... Read More about Research grounded support of student learning in Higher Education: The importance of dialogue and subject embedded, contextualised language and content..

Improving student satisfaction at a Caribbean university using a customer focussed strategy (2018)
Murray, J. A. Improving student satisfaction at a Caribbean university using a customer focussed strategy. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

The study aimed to determine the drivers of student satisfaction with the services offered by a Caribbean university. The study, premised on the marketing concept of customer satisfaction, used the Expectation Disconfirmation Model, a widely used too... Read More about Improving student satisfaction at a Caribbean university using a customer focussed strategy.

An exploration of the dynamics of culture and personal acculturation in a culturally complex situation: Learning from university students' experiences of group work (2018)
Xu, F. H. An exploration of the dynamics of culture and personal acculturation in a culturally complex situation: Learning from university students' experiences of group work. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

In this thesis, I adopt the anti-essentialist cultural paradigm to explore the complexity within the processes of both cultural-making and personal acculturation that may occur in an interweaving way within a local cultural arena (Holliday, 2011; 20... Read More about An exploration of the dynamics of culture and personal acculturation in a culturally complex situation: Learning from university students' experiences of group work.

Towards a framework for cross-boundary collaborative open learning for cross-institutional academic development (2017)
Nerantzi, C. Towards a framework for cross-boundary collaborative open learning for cross-institutional academic development. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

This phenomenographic study, explores the collaborative open learning experience of academic staff and open learners in cross-institutional academic development settings, and adds to what is known in these settings. It provides new insights for acade... Read More about Towards a framework for cross-boundary collaborative open learning for cross-institutional academic development.

International student transitions in Higher Education: Chinese students studying on a professionally accredited undergraduate accounting degree programme at a Scottish university (2017)
Findlay, R. S. M. International student transitions in Higher Education: Chinese students studying on a professionally accredited undergraduate accounting degree programme at a Scottish university. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

The UK Higher Education (UKHE) sector has expanded overseas student numbers in recent years bringing significant economic and financial benefits to the sector and the economy. Yet, overseas student numbers are now under threat due to international co... Read More about International student transitions in Higher Education: Chinese students studying on a professionally accredited undergraduate accounting degree programme at a Scottish university.

Learning to work together: The challenge of collaborative arrangements for strategic projects within HE in Scotland (2017)
Allford, R. W. Learning to work together: The challenge of collaborative arrangements for strategic projects within HE in Scotland. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

Government policy for economic development across Scotland and the UK is driving an increasing number of strategic alliances in higher education to achieve economies of scale and economies of experience. Higher education institutions have been encour... Read More about Learning to work together: The challenge of collaborative arrangements for strategic projects within HE in Scotland.

"More than just a Teaching Fellow": The Impact of REF and implications of TEF on Life Science Teaching-Focused Academics in UK HEIs (2016)
Tierney, A. "More than just a Teaching Fellow": The Impact of REF and implications of TEF on Life Science Teaching-Focused Academics in UK HEIs. (Thesis). Durham University.

This study seeks to understand the effect of the Research Excellence Framework (REF) on Teaching-Focused Academics working in Life Sciences in UK higher education institutions. Twenty-one full-time Teaching-Focused Academics from England, Scotland an... Read More about "More than just a Teaching Fellow": The Impact of REF and implications of TEF on Life Science Teaching-Focused Academics in UK HEIs.

Redefining leadership in a higher education context: Views from the front line (2016)
Cook, M. C. Redefining leadership in a higher education context: Views from the front line. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

The study aim was to investigate the perceptions of senior leaders within the sector to determine their views of the key challenges in contemporary academic leadership and to inform practice for the future.

Academic leadership is a key component o... Read More about Redefining leadership in a higher education context: Views from the front line.

An analysis of EHEA Business School approaches to the development, configuration and management of international academic alliances (2016)
Harte, P. An analysis of EHEA Business School approaches to the development, configuration and management of international academic alliances. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

The purpose of this study is to investigate the motivations for international academic alliance development, the configuration of alliance networks and their sustained management in Business Schools within the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). A... Read More about An analysis of EHEA Business School approaches to the development, configuration and management of international academic alliances.

The relationship between stress and retention within science undergraduates, their use of support and the potential remedial effect of stress education. (2016)
Harris, P. J. The relationship between stress and retention within science undergraduates, their use of support and the potential remedial effect of stress education. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

Students experience stress due to many factors including educational unpreparedness, financial strain and the inability to integrate socially. This mixed methods study aimed to investigate stress levels of undergraduate students in a post-1992, Scott... Read More about The relationship between stress and retention within science undergraduates, their use of support and the potential remedial effect of stress education..

Exporting hospitality & tourism education abroad and its influence on the home programme internationalisation (2016)
Lagiewski, R. M. Exporting hospitality & tourism education abroad and its influence on the home programme internationalisation. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

HEIs have, over the recent decade, been involved in internationalisation of their academic programmes and in the delivery of their degrees in international locations. Internationalisation is associated with the incorporation of international facets i... Read More about Exporting hospitality & tourism education abroad and its influence on the home programme internationalisation.

Towards an understanding of the management contribution in post-92 universities (2016)
Mcintosh, I. L. Towards an understanding of the management contribution in post-92 universities. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

Over recent years there has been considerable debate about the purpose, value and expectations of higher education. The relationship between government and the higher education sector has become focussed on the efficiency and effectiveness of the sec... Read More about Towards an understanding of the management contribution in post-92 universities.

Exploring entrepreneurship and organizational culture in a higher education context (2015)
Logie, S. J. Exploring entrepreneurship and organizational culture in a higher education context. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

The United Kingdom Higher Education sector is undergoing a prolonged period of turbulence in its external environments. This is causing universities to seek to develop entrepreneurial activities to support the diversification of their traditional inc... Read More about Exploring entrepreneurship and organizational culture in a higher education context.

Cultural due diligence: an investigation into its significance in tertiary education mergers in Scotland (2015)
Steen, C. J. Cultural due diligence: an investigation into its significance in tertiary education mergers in Scotland. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

Mergers are a fact of life in the private sector and are increasingly becoming a factor in the public sector. Organisations seek to merge in order to survive or grow by accruing benefits of scale, better or cheaper access to resources or by overcomin... Read More about Cultural due diligence: an investigation into its significance in tertiary education mergers in Scotland.

An investigation into changes in gender equity and equality in Scottish universities from 1850 to 2011 (2013)
Dick, D. An investigation into changes in gender equity and equality in Scottish universities from 1850 to 2011. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

The central aim of this thesis is: to investigate changes in gender equity and equality in Scottish universities from mid-nineteenth century to 2011 with reference to the experiences and attitudes of female and male academics comparing their opportun... Read More about An investigation into changes in gender equity and equality in Scottish universities from 1850 to 2011.

Investigating gaps in higher civil engineering education regarding students’ level of knowledge and understanding of basic structural concepts (2013)
Tsechelidou, E. Investigating gaps in higher civil engineering education regarding students’ level of knowledge and understanding of basic structural concepts. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

A key issue for young graduates of civil engineering is their ability to obtain the necessary knowledge and understanding of the basic concepts of civil engineering, which are necessary to work with success in real projects. The literature review ind... Read More about Investigating gaps in higher civil engineering education regarding students’ level of knowledge and understanding of basic structural concepts.

Dissertation: An exploratory study of mental health nurses experience and perceptions of user and carer involvement in higher education and its influence on practice. (2012)
McIntosh, G. Dissertation: An exploratory study of mental health nurses experience and perceptions of user and carer involvement in higher education and its influence on practice. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

There is currently a growing expectation that Higher Education Institutions providing nurse education should do so in partnership with service users and carers (NES 2008a, NMC 2010). Currently there is little research evidence to indicate that this w... Read More about Dissertation: An exploratory study of mental health nurses experience and perceptions of user and carer involvement in higher education and its influence on practice..

Development of a model for implementation of strategic change management in Libyan higher education. (2009)
Theeb, M. Development of a model for implementation of strategic change management in Libyan higher education. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

This research focuses on an analysis of the changes in the Libyan Higher Education Institutions (LHEIs) management system. This is an important subject since the Libyan General People’s Committee for Higher Education (LGPC) has begun to introduce cha... Read More about Development of a model for implementation of strategic change management in Libyan higher education..

Strategic engagement for a quality learning experience in practice: Impact on mentors and students (2009)
Simpson, H. M. Strategic engagement for a quality learning experience in practice: Impact on mentors and students. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

The aims of this research study were threefold. Firstly, to explore the impact of the strategic arrangements and mechanisms to implement and support practice based learning. Secondly, to investigate the selection processes, preparation, support and... Read More about Strategic engagement for a quality learning experience in practice: Impact on mentors and students.