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An Implementation of the UTAUT Model for Understanding Students’ Perceptions of Learning Management Systems: A Study Within Tertiary Institutions in Saudi Arabia (2019)
Journal Article
Alshehri, A., Rutter, M. J., & Smith, S. (2019). An Implementation of the UTAUT Model for Understanding Students’ Perceptions of Learning Management Systems: A Study Within Tertiary Institutions in Saudi Arabia. International Journal of Distance Education Technologies, 17(3), 1-24.

The rapid growth of e-learning around the globe is inspiring various academic institutions to adopt it. Uptake is motivated by convincing benefits such as flexibility, accessibility and the management of course delivery and educational materials. In... Read More about An Implementation of the UTAUT Model for Understanding Students’ Perceptions of Learning Management Systems: A Study Within Tertiary Institutions in Saudi Arabia.

Bridging the Digital Skills Gap: Are computing degree apprenticeships the answer? (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Taylor-Smith, E., Smith, S., Fabian, K., Berg, T., Meharg, D., & Varey, A. (2019, July). Bridging the Digital Skills Gap: Are computing degree apprenticeships the answer?. Presented at Innovation & Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE’19), Aberdeen, Scotland

This paper describes a study investigating whether apprenticeship computing degrees in Scotland are attracting additional entrants who will become IT professionals and fill a skills need. Government policy reports, from around the world, set out plan... Read More about Bridging the Digital Skills Gap: Are computing degree apprenticeships the answer?.

Exploring women's motivations to study computer science (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Smith, S., Sobolewska, E., Bhardwaj, J., & Fabian, K. (2018, October). Exploring women's motivations to study computer science. Presented at Frontiers in Education 2018, San Jose, CA, USA

This paper presents a study exploring women's decisions, influencers and early experiences of computing to better understand how women's motivations and prior experience affect their decision to study computer science (CS). The emergence of a gender... Read More about Exploring women's motivations to study computer science.

Equality of opportunity for work experience? Computing students at two UK universities “play the game” (2019)
Journal Article
Smith, S., Taylor-Smith, E., Bacon, L., & Mackinnon, L. (2019). Equality of opportunity for work experience? Computing students at two UK universities “play the game”. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 40(3), 324-339.

A recent UK Government commissioned study found concerning levels of unemployment among computing students from disadvantaged, black and minority ethnic backgrounds. The study highlighted that work experience was a factor in increased levels of gradu... Read More about Equality of opportunity for work experience? Computing students at two UK universities “play the game”.

The impact of work placement on graduate employment in computing: outcomes from a UK-based study (2018)
Journal Article
Smith, S., Taylor-Smith, E., Smith, C., & Webster, G. (2018). The impact of work placement on graduate employment in computing: outcomes from a UK-based study. International Journal of Work-Integrated Learning, 19(4), 359-369

This study followed recent computing graduates into the workplace and explored their undergraduate experiences of work placements and subsequent impact on graduate employment. Whilst studying at one of 14 Scottish universities, participants (n=99) ha... Read More about The impact of work placement on graduate employment in computing: outcomes from a UK-based study.

Graduate apprenticeships are great opportunities for individuals, but are they inclusive? (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Taylor-Smith, E., Smith, S., & Varey, A. (2018, December). Graduate apprenticeships are great opportunities for individuals, but are they inclusive?. Paper presented at Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE) Annual Conference, Newport, Wales

Higher education-level apprenticeships can provide routes to university degrees for people without the financial resources for traditional degrees. In Scotland, the first cohorts of graduate apprentices began their studies in 2017, including cohorts... Read More about Graduate apprenticeships are great opportunities for individuals, but are they inclusive?.

From work-integrated learning to learning-integrated work: motivations and apprehensions of Graduate Apprentices (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Smith, S., Taylor-Smith, E., Smith, C., & Varey, A. (2018, June). From work-integrated learning to learning-integrated work: motivations and apprehensions of Graduate Apprentices. Presented at 3rd International Research Symposium on Cooperative and Work-Integrated Education (WACE), Stuttgart, Germany

Graduate Apprenticeship (GA) degrees bring new collaborations between universities and employers and new opportunities for apprentices—to gain a university degree, while also being in formal employment. In 2017, Scotland introduced funding for GAs: s... Read More about From work-integrated learning to learning-integrated work: motivations and apprehensions of Graduate Apprentices.

Developing entrepreneurial capabilities for the global labour market: A cross national study of IT students in the UK and Australia (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hamilton, M., Gribble, C., & Smith, S. (2017, December). Developing entrepreneurial capabilities for the global labour market: A cross national study of IT students in the UK and Australia. Paper presented at Society for Research in Higher Education SRHE

In Australia and the UK there is growing emphasis on ‘entrepreneurship’ in response to challenging economic circumstances. The current focus on developing ‘entrepreneurial’ capabilities in graduates is largely driven by stakeholder and societal desir... Read More about Developing entrepreneurial capabilities for the global labour market: A cross national study of IT students in the UK and Australia.

Towards graduate employment: exploring student identity through a university-wide employability project (2017)
Journal Article
Smith, S., Smith, C., Taylor-Smith, E., & Fotheringham, J. (2019). Towards graduate employment: exploring student identity through a university-wide employability project. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 43(5), 628-640.

Students have expectations of their university education leading to graduate careers, with universities investing considerable resources in institution-wide initiatives designed to enhance opportunities for student work placements and work-related le... Read More about Towards graduate employment: exploring student identity through a university-wide employability project.

Rich Pictures of the Future (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Smith, S., Smith, C., Berg, T., & Bowen, T. (2017, June). Rich Pictures of the Future. Presented at Horizons in STEM Higher Education Conference

The acceleration of technological innovation means that higher education must prepare students for an unknown future like never before, and help them see their position in relation to an increasingly globalised economy. Transition from university int... Read More about Rich Pictures of the Future.

Taking education for granted: the role of placement in computing science (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Smith, S., Smith, C., Taylor-Smith, E., & Gemma, W. (2017, June). Taking education for granted: the role of placement in computing science. Presented at Horizons in STEM Higher Education Conference

The importance of placements and internships was highlighted in the 2016 Shadbolt Review of Computer Science Degree Accreditation and Graduate Employability – indeed the second recommendation of the review was to extend and promote work experience .... Read More about Taking education for granted: the role of placement in computing science.

Visualising the future: surfacing student perspectives on post-graduation prospects using rich pictures (2017)
Journal Article
Berg, T., Bowen, T., Smith, C., & Smith, S. (2017). Visualising the future: surfacing student perspectives on post-graduation prospects using rich pictures. Higher Education Research and Development, 36(7), 1339-1354.

The gradual commodification of higher education in the context of an increased focus on graduate employability attributes together with evolving labour markets is creating challenges for universities and students alike. For universities, there has be... Read More about Visualising the future: surfacing student perspectives on post-graduation prospects using rich pictures.

The students' acceptance of learning management systems in Saudi Arabia: A case study of King Abdulaziz University (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Binyamin, S., Rutter, M., & Smith, S. (2017, March). The students' acceptance of learning management systems in Saudi Arabia: A case study of King Abdulaziz University. Presented at International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Valencia, Spain

The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) has become one of the most widely-used models in understanding user acceptance of technologies and has been employed in many empirical studies. However, TAM has barely been used within the context of Saudi Arabia... Read More about The students' acceptance of learning management systems in Saudi Arabia: A case study of King Abdulaziz University.

An implementation of the extended technology acceptance model for understanding students' perceptions of learning management systems: a study within tertiary institutions in Saudia Arabia (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Rutter, M. J., Alshehri, A., & Smith, S. (2017, March). An implementation of the extended technology acceptance model for understanding students' perceptions of learning management systems: a study within tertiary institutions in Saudia Arabia. Poster presented at 11th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference

The rapid evolution of e-learning around the world is inspiring many educational and business institutions to adopt it. E-learning is motivated by compelling advantages such as geographical reach, flexibility and cost effectiveness in course delivery... Read More about An implementation of the extended technology acceptance model for understanding students' perceptions of learning management systems: a study within tertiary institutions in Saudia Arabia.

In search of graduate employability: An exploration of student identity (2017)
Journal Article
Smith, S., Smith, C., Taylor-Smith, E., & Fotheringham, J. (2017). In search of graduate employability: An exploration of student identity. Asia-Pacific Journal of Cooperative Education, 18(1), 15-24

Universities are adopting institution-wide projects to increase student work placements and work-related learning across all subject disciplines. However, there are large variations between programs in uptake, with limited evidence explaining why thi... Read More about In search of graduate employability: An exploration of student identity.

Supporting student transitions to placement and work: developing a new self-identity (2016)
Journal Article
Webster, G., Smith, S., & Smith, C. (2016). Supporting student transitions to placement and work: developing a new self-identity. New Directions in the Teaching of Physical Sciences, 11(1),

Moves towards the marketisation of higher education together with concerns over the challenges of graduate employment have led to an increased prioritisation of students undertaking relevant work experience while they study. Recognising a strong stud... Read More about Supporting student transitions to placement and work: developing a new self-identity.

Learning for the Workplace: Exploring professional identity in search of meaningful alternatives to student work placement (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Webster, G., Smith, S., & Smith, C. (2016, December). Learning for the Workplace: Exploring professional identity in search of meaningful alternatives to student work placement. Paper presented at Society for Research into Higher Education 2016

Moves towards the marketisation of higher education have led to greater priority being placed upon students undertaking relevant work experience while they study. Recognising a strong demand for placements, the e-Placement Scotland project set out to... Read More about Learning for the Workplace: Exploring professional identity in search of meaningful alternatives to student work placement.

The utilization of system usability scale in learning management systems: a case study of Jeddah Community College (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Binyamin, S., Rutter, M., & Smith, S. (2016, November). The utilization of system usability scale in learning management systems: a case study of Jeddah Community College. Presented at 9th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, Seville, Spain

Learning Management Systems (LMS) have been widely adopted in many higher educational institutions to support teaching and learning activities. The study was conducted with the aim of investigating the usability of the learning management system (Bla... Read More about The utilization of system usability scale in learning management systems: a case study of Jeddah Community College.

From Interest to Decision: A Comparative Exploration of Student Attitudes and Pathways to Co-op Programs in the United States and the United Kingdom (2016)
Journal Article
Ramirez, N., Smith, S., Smith, C. F., Berg, T., Strubel, B., Ohland, M., & Main, J. (2016). From Interest to Decision: A Comparative Exploration of Student Attitudes and Pathways to Co-op Programs in the United States and the United Kingdom. International Journal of Engineering Education, 32(5A), 1867-1878

Cooperative education programs (co-op) play a vital role in developing engineering and computing students’ applied technological skills and professional self-confidence. Nevertheless, not all students choose to participate in co-ops. Through empirica... Read More about From Interest to Decision: A Comparative Exploration of Student Attitudes and Pathways to Co-op Programs in the United States and the United Kingdom.

Evaluating the Usability of Learning Management Systems from Students' Perception: A Case Study of King Abdulaziz University (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Binyamin, S., Smith, S., & Rutter, M. (2016, October). Evaluating the Usability of Learning Management Systems from Students' Perception: A Case Study of King Abdulaziz University. Presented at 15th European Conference on eLearning (ECEL 2016), Prague, Czech Republic

Due to the rapid improvement in Information and Communication Technology (ICT), adopting technologies has become a major focus of interest in the field of education. The integration between ICT and education has introduced various positives and advan... Read More about Evaluating the Usability of Learning Management Systems from Students' Perception: A Case Study of King Abdulaziz University.