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The aging Scottish population: trends, consequences, responses (2008)
Journal Article
Raeside, R., & Khan, H. T. A. (2008). The aging Scottish population: trends, consequences, responses. Canadian studies in population, 35, 291-310

The population of Scotland is projected to decrease despite recent increases in fertility and an excess of immigrants over emigrants. The reason for the projected decline is the result of prolonged low fertility. The most immediate effect is ageing o... Read More about The aging Scottish population: trends, consequences, responses.

Quotidian bus journeys: City life reflections on Lothian buses (2008)
Noble, A. F. Quotidian bus journeys: City life reflections on Lothian buses. (Thesis). Napier University.

The main objectives of this research are to investigate the interaction between the city of Edinburgh, Lothian Buses (Edinburgh’s principal public transport provider) and people using specific bus routes within the city boundaries. A single overarchi... Read More about Quotidian bus journeys: City life reflections on Lothian buses.