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Personal online reputation: the development of an approach to investigate how personal reputation is evaluated and managed in online environments. (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ryan, F., Cruickshank, P., Hall, H., & Lawson, A. (2016, January). Personal online reputation: the development of an approach to investigate how personal reputation is evaluated and managed in online environments. Presented at IDIMC 2016 - Exploring our digital shadow: from data to intelligence

The main theme of the paper is the development of a framework to investigate how online information is used in the creation, building, and evaluation of personal reputations. (Here the term “personal reputation” refers to the reputation of private in... Read More about Personal online reputation: the development of an approach to investigate how personal reputation is evaluated and managed in online environments..

Assessing the available and accessible evidence: how personal reputations are determined and managed online. (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ryan, F., Cruickshank, P., Hall, H., & Lawson, A. (2015, June). Assessing the available and accessible evidence: how personal reputations are determined and managed online. Paper presented at Information: interactions and impact (i3) 2015

This paper is concerned with how online information contributes to the determination of personal reputations. The term “personal reputation” in this context means the reputation of private individuals, rather than corporate identity and brand. The pa... Read More about Assessing the available and accessible evidence: how personal reputations are determined and managed online..

Men's Facial Masculinity: When (Body) Size Matters (2014)
Journal Article
Holzleitner, I., Hunter, D., Tiddeman, B., Seck, A., Re, D., & Perrett, D. (2014). Men's Facial Masculinity: When (Body) Size Matters. Perception, 43(11), 1191-1202.

Recent studies suggest that judgments of facial masculinity reflect more than sexually dimorphic shape. Here, we investigated whether the perception of masculinity is influenced by facial cues to body height and weight. We used the average difference... Read More about Men's Facial Masculinity: When (Body) Size Matters.

Emotional and aesthetic attachment to digital artefacts (2012)
Journal Article
Turner, P., & Turner, S. (2012). Emotional and aesthetic attachment to digital artefacts. Cognition, Technology and Work,

We report a pair of repertory grid studies that explore the attachment people have for digital and nondigital
In the first study we found no clear distinctions between emotional attachment to digital and nondigital
artefacts: people are... Read More about Emotional and aesthetic attachment to digital artefacts.

Acutely induced anxiety increases negative interpretations of events in a closed-circuit television monitoring task (2012)
Journal Article
Cooper, R., Howard, C. J., Attwood, A. S., Stirland, R., Rostant, V., Renton, L., Goodwin, C., & Munafò, M. R. (2013). Acutely induced anxiety increases negative interpretations of events in a closed-circuit television monitoring task. Cognition and Emotion, 27(2), 273-282.

In two experiments we measured the effects of 7.5% CO₂ inhalation on the interpretation of video footage recorded on closed circuit television (CCTV). As predicted, inhalation of 7.5% CO₂ was associated with increases in physiological and subjective... Read More about Acutely induced anxiety increases negative interpretations of events in a closed-circuit television monitoring task.

Effects of 7.5% CO2 inhalation on allocation of spatial attention to facial cues of emotional expression (2011)
Journal Article
Cooper, R. M., Bailey, J. E., Diaper, A., Stirland, R., Renton, L. E., Benton, C. P., Penton-Voak, I. S., Nutt, D. J., & Munafò, M. R. (2011). Effects of 7.5% CO2 inhalation on allocation of spatial attention to facial cues of emotional expression. Cognition and Emotion, 25(4), 626-638.

Increased vigilance to threat-related stimuli is thought to be a core cognitive feature of anxiety. We sought to investigate the cognitive impact of experimentally induced anxiety, by means of a 7.5% CO2 challenge, which acts as an unconditioned anxi... Read More about Effects of 7.5% CO2 inhalation on allocation of spatial attention to facial cues of emotional expression.

Effects of acute alcohol consumption on the perception of eye gaze direction (2010)
Journal Article
Penton-Voak, I. S., Cooper, R. M., Roberts, R. E., Attwood, A. S., & Munafò, M. R. (2012). Effects of acute alcohol consumption on the perception of eye gaze direction. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 26(2), 254-261.

Alcohol consumption is associated with increases in aggressive behaviour, but the mechanisms underlying this relationship are poorly understood. One mechanism by which alcohol consumption may influence behaviour is via alterations in the processing o... Read More about Effects of acute alcohol consumption on the perception of eye gaze direction.

No reliable effects of emotional facial expression, adult attachment orientation, or anxiety on the allocation of visual attention in the spatial cueing paradigm (2009)
Journal Article
Cooper, R. M., Rowe, A. C., Penton-Voak, I. S., & Ludwig, C. (2009). No reliable effects of emotional facial expression, adult attachment orientation, or anxiety on the allocation of visual attention in the spatial cueing paradigm. Journal of research in personality, 43(4), 643-652.

The primary goal of the current study was to examine the allocation of attention to emotional facial stimuli
as a function of adult attachment orientation. Using a modified version of the spatial cueing paradigm
we examined these effects in three e... Read More about No reliable effects of emotional facial expression, adult attachment orientation, or anxiety on the allocation of visual attention in the spatial cueing paradigm.

The role of trait anxiety in the recognition of emotional facial expressions (2007)
Journal Article
Cooper, R. M., Rowe, A. C., & Penton-Voak, I. S. (2008). The role of trait anxiety in the recognition of emotional facial expressions. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 22(7), 1120-1127.

Previous work has suggested that elevated levels of trait anxiety are associated with an increased ability to accurately recognize the facial expression of fear. However, to date, recognition has only been assessed after viewing periods of 10s, despi... Read More about The role of trait anxiety in the recognition of emotional facial expressions.

The effect of emotional faces on eye movements and attention (2007)
Journal Article
Hunt, A. R., Cooper, R. M., Hungr, C., & Kingstone, A. (2007). The effect of emotional faces on eye movements and attention. Visual Cognition, 15(5), 513-531.

The present study investigated the nature of attention to facial expressions using an oculomotor capture paradigm. Participants were required to make a speeded saccade toward a predefined target and ignore distractors. The valence (happy or angry) an... Read More about The effect of emotional faces on eye movements and attention.

Designing with blends: Conceptual foundations of human-computer interaction and software engineering methods. (2007)
Imaz, M., & Benyon, D. (2007). Designing with blends: Conceptual foundations of human-computer interaction and software engineering methods. MIT Press

This work talks about how recent research in cognitive science offers new ways to understand the interaction of people and computers and develops a new literacy for well-informed, sensitive software design. The evolution of the concept of mind in cog... Read More about Designing with blends: Conceptual foundations of human-computer interaction and software engineering methods..

Driving as You Feel: A Psychological Investigation of the Novice Driver Problem. (2006)
Kinnear, N. A. D. Driving as You Feel: A Psychological Investigation of the Novice Driver Problem. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

The current thesis aimed to explore the novice driver problem from a psychological perspective. The ultimate aim was to enhance knowledge and understanding which may advise how to improve novice driver safety. The novice driver problem is a worldwide... Read More about Driving as You Feel: A Psychological Investigation of the Novice Driver Problem..

The place probe: exploring a sense of place in real and virtual environments. (2006)
Journal Article
McCall, R., Benyon, D., Smyth, M., O'Neill, S., McCall, R., & Carroll, F. (2006). The place probe: exploring a sense of place in real and virtual environments. Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 15(6), 668-687.

This paper describes the design, application, and refinement of a qualitative tool designed to study sense of place. The Place Probe incorporates a range of stimuli and techniques aimed at articulating a person's sense of place. It has been developed... Read More about The place probe: exploring a sense of place in real and virtual environments..

Place, Sense of Place, and Presence (2006)
Journal Article
Turner, P., & Turner, S. (2006). Place, Sense of Place, and Presence. Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 15(2), 204-217.

Recreating real places--as distinct from virtual spaces or environments--using virtual reality technology raises a series of significant challenges. Fortunately there is a large body of existing research into the experience of place which might reaso... Read More about Place, Sense of Place, and Presence.

Attentional bias to angry faces using the dot-probe task? it depends when you look for it. (2005)
Journal Article
Cooper, R. M., & Langton, S. R. (2006). Attentional bias to angry faces using the dot-probe task? it depends when you look for it. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 44(9), 1321-1329.

A number of studies using the dot-probe task now report the existence of an attentional bias to angry faces in participants who rate highly on scales of anxiety; however, no equivalent bias has been observed in non-anxious populations, despite eviden... Read More about Attentional bias to angry faces using the dot-probe task? it depends when you look for it..

Responsive environments, place and presence. (2005)
Journal Article
McCall, R., O'Neill, S., Carroll, F., Benyon, D., & Smyth, M. (2005). Responsive environments, place and presence. PsychNology journal, 3, 34-74

This paper examines the effect that changing arena (i.e. an immersive CAVE or head mounted display) and adding an augmented barrier has on the sense of place and presence
in two photo-realistic virtual environments. Twenty eight subjects (17 male, 1... Read More about Responsive environments, place and presence..

A question of realism. (2004)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hetherington, R., Crerar, A., & Turner, P. (2004, June). A question of realism

We present the results of an exploratory study investigating the feasibility of using multimedia software to teach life skills to adults with learning difficulties. As a precursor to determining whether the clients would benefit from the software, we... Read More about A question of realism..

Supporting spatial learning in virtual environments. (2003)
Sykes, J. R. Supporting spatial learning in virtual environments. (Thesis). Napier University.

This thesis explores the acquisition of spatial knowledge as a means to support wayfinding in virtual environments. Specifically, the thesis presents an investigation into
the potential benefits one might gain through the application of a variety of... Read More about Supporting spatial learning in virtual environments..