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Moisture retention and conductivity properties of waste refuse: a laboratory study (2007)
Kazimoglu, Y. K. Moisture retention and conductivity properties of waste refuse: a laboratory study. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

The modelling of infiltration and moisture movement within a porous medium requires information on the moisture retention and hydraulic conductivity properties. In this study, the unsaturated hydraulic behaviour of a compacted waste sample based on t... Read More about Moisture retention and conductivity properties of waste refuse: a laboratory study.

An investigation of techniques to identify the causes of foaming in activated sludge waste water. (2001)
Elliott, J. N. An investigation of techniques to identify the causes of foaming in activated sludge waste water. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

Wastewater activated sludge treatment plants are among the most common
forms of biotechnological application. These plants breakdown influents of
organic and non-organic matter using a complex bacterial consortia in an
aerobic aqueous suspension.... Read More about An investigation of techniques to identify the causes of foaming in activated sludge waste water..