Modelling hourly and daily diffuse solar radiation using world-wide database.
Munawwar, S. Modelling hourly and daily diffuse solar radiation using world-wide database. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.
Improved quality control procedures and models for solar radiation using a world-wide database. (2006)
Younes, S. Improved quality control procedures and models for solar radiation using a world-wide database. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University. thesis deals with- various aspects of broadband horizontal solar
irradiance. Quality control of measured datasets are identified and analysed. It
was found that solar irradiance datasets may contain significant errors. These
sources of errors... Read More about Improved quality control procedures and models for solar radiation using a world-wide database..
River bed sediment surface characterisation using wavelet transform-based methods. (2004)
Nyander, A. River bed sediment surface characterisation using wavelet transform-based methods. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University. primary purpose of this work was to study the morphological change of river-bed
sediment surfaces over time using wavelet transform analysis techniques. The wavelet
transform is a rapidly developing area of applied mathematics in both science a... Read More about River bed sediment surface characterisation using wavelet transform-based methods..
Nutrient characteristics of urban stormwater detention ponds on the Canadian Prairies. (1997)
Scott, K. A. Nutrient characteristics of urban stormwater detention ponds on the Canadian Prairies. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.