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A symbolic Investigation of pole-zero cancellation for a triple Inverted pendulum (2002)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Woodham, C. A., Su, H., & Larcombe, P. (2000, June). A symbolic Investigation of pole-zero cancellation for a triple Inverted pendulum. Presented at ICSE 2000

The balancing of an inverted pendulum is a classic control problem of some thirty years or so standing, whichhas been revisited of late in the light of recent developments in symbolic computation [1,2]. The controllability of the damped double invert... Read More about A symbolic Investigation of pole-zero cancellation for a triple Inverted pendulum.

A note on the asymptotic behaviour of a prime factor decomposition of the general Catalan-Larcombe-French number. (2002)
Journal Article
Larcombe, P. J., French, D. R., & Woodham, C. A. (2002). A note on the asymptotic behaviour of a prime factor decomposition of the general Catalan-Larcombe-French number. Congressus numerantium, 156, 17-25

The Catalan-Larcombe-French sequence has been studied in several previous papers [P. J. Larcombe and D. R. French, Congr. Numerantium 143, 33-64 (2000; Zbl 0971.05001) and ibid. 148, 65-91 (2001; Zbl 0999.05003)]. The second of these papers derived a... Read More about A note on the asymptotic behaviour of a prime factor decomposition of the general Catalan-Larcombe-French number..

A numerical study of the behaviour of a gas-liquid interface subjected to periodic vertical motion. (2002)
Journal Article
Valha, J., Lewis, J. S., & Kubie, J. (2002). A numerical study of the behaviour of a gas-liquid interface subjected to periodic vertical motion. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 40, 697-721.

A numerical study has been undertaken to examine the behaviour of a gas liquid interface in a vertical cylindrical vessel subjected to a sinusoidal vertical motion. The computational method used is based on the simplified marker-and-cell method and i... Read More about A numerical study of the behaviour of a gas-liquid interface subjected to periodic vertical motion..

A symbolic investigation of controller design for a single inverted pendulum system. (2002)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Woodham, C. A., & Su, H. (2002, July). A symbolic investigation of controller design for a single inverted pendulum system. Paper presented at ICCAM 2002

The two dimensional inverted pendulum is unstable in that it may fall over at any time in either direction unless a suitable control force is applied. This paper designs a controller numerically and symbolically by using Ackermann's formula of the Po... Read More about A symbolic investigation of controller design for a single inverted pendulum system..

A computational investigation of pole-zero cancellation for a double inverted pendulum (2002)
Journal Article
Woodham, C. A., & Su, H. (2002). A computational investigation of pole-zero cancellation for a double inverted pendulum. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 140(1-2), 823-836.

Modern symbolic computational systems which perform automated manipulation of algebraic variables offer insights into a variety of mathematical problems. This work uses the symbolic manipulation toolbox available in MATLAB to investigate pole-zero ca... Read More about A computational investigation of pole-zero cancellation for a double inverted pendulum.

Energy and structure of inertial range turbulence deduced from an evolution of fluid impulse. (2002)
Journal Article
Summers, D. M., & Summers, D. (2002). Energy and structure of inertial range turbulence deduced from an evolution of fluid impulse. Physical review. E, Statistical physics, plasmas, fluids, and related interdisciplinary topics, 65(3), 0363141-0363149.

We explore numerically a very simple idea that may provide a material explanation for inertial range turbulence. We base a Lagrangian model of viscous incompressible fluid flow on an evolving ensemble of vortex doublet sheets. Initially these are ran... Read More about Energy and structure of inertial range turbulence deduced from an evolution of fluid impulse..

A new method for correcting shadow band diffuse irradiance data. (2002)
Journal Article
Muneer, T., & Zhang, X. (2002). A new method for correcting shadow band diffuse irradiance data. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, 124, 34-43.

An instrument commonly used to measure diffuse irradiance is the polar-axis shadow band pyranometer. However, the shadow band that is used to prevent the beam energy from entering the pyranometer also obscures part of sky-diffuse irradiance. A correc... Read More about A new method for correcting shadow band diffuse irradiance data..

Impulse exchange at the surface of the ocean and the fractal dimension of drifter trajectories. (2002)
Journal Article
Summers, D. (2002). Impulse exchange at the surface of the ocean and the fractal dimension of drifter trajectories. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 9, 11-23.

An impulse-based model is developed to represent a coupling between turbulent flow in the atmosphere and turbulent flow in the ocean. In particular, it is argued that the atmosphere flowing horizontally over the ocean surface generates a velocity flu... Read More about Impulse exchange at the surface of the ocean and the fractal dimension of drifter trajectories..