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Systematic review of blue-light service collaboration for community health and well-being (2023)
Journal Article
Dougall, N., MacGillivray, S., Heyman, I., Wooff, A., & Tatnell, A. (2023). Systematic review of blue-light service collaboration for community health and well-being. Journal of Community Safety and Well-Being, 8(2), 66-74.

Effective cross-service collaboration has been posed as a way of improving outcomes for people, enhancing community safety and well-being, reducing social and health inequalities, and improving service resource efficiencies. However, it was not known... Read More about Systematic review of blue-light service collaboration for community health and well-being.

‘I’m not going to leave someone to die’: carriage of naloxone by police in Scotland within a public health framework: a qualitative study of acceptability and experiences (2023)
Journal Article
Speakman, E. M., Hillen, P., Heyman, I., Murray, J., Dougall, N., Aston, E. V., & McAuley, A. (2023). ‘I’m not going to leave someone to die’: carriage of naloxone by police in Scotland within a public health framework: a qualitative study of acceptability and experiences. Harm Reduction Journal, 20, Article 20.

Scotland has one of the highest rates of drug-related deaths (DRDs) per capita in Europe, the majority of which involve opioids. Naloxone is a medication used to reverse opioid-related overdoses. In efforts to tackle escalating DRDs in ma... Read More about ‘I’m not going to leave someone to die’: carriage of naloxone by police in Scotland within a public health framework: a qualitative study of acceptability and experiences.

Vulnerability assessment across the frontline of law enforcement and public health: a systematic review (2021)
Journal Article
Enang, I., Murray, J., Dougall, N., Aston, E., Wooff, A., Heyman, I., & Grandison, G. (2022). Vulnerability assessment across the frontline of law enforcement and public health: a systematic review. Policing and Society, 32(4), 540-559.

Assessing vulnerability is an international priority area across law enforcement and public health (LEPH). Most contacts with frontline law enforcement professions now relate to ‘vulnerability’; frontline health responders are experiencing a similar... Read More about Vulnerability assessment across the frontline of law enforcement and public health: a systematic review.

Co-creation of five key research priorities across Law Enforcement and Public Health: A methodological example (2020)
Journal Article
Murray, J., Heyman, I., Dougall, N., Wooff, A., Aston, E., & Enang, I. (2021). Co-creation of five key research priorities across Law Enforcement and Public Health: A methodological example. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 28(1), 3-15.

Law enforcement professions now assume more responsibility for tackling mental health issues alongside public health colleagues than ever before. The term ‘vulnerability’ is frequently used within Law Enforcement and Public Health (LEPH... Read More about Co-creation of five key research priorities across Law Enforcement and Public Health: A methodological example.

Defining and Assessing vulnerability within law enforcement and public health organisations: A scoping review. (2019)
Journal Article
Enang, I., Murray, J., Dougall, N., Wooff, A., Heyman, I., & Aston, E. (2019). Defining and Assessing vulnerability within law enforcement and public health organisations: A scoping review. Health and Justice, 7(2),

Historically, police departments focused solely on criminal justice issues. Recently, there has been a dynamic shift in focus, with Law Enforcement professional groups assuming more responsibility for tackling mental health and distress-related issue... Read More about Defining and Assessing vulnerability within law enforcement and public health organisations: A scoping review..

Collaborative Outcomes Learning Tool (COLT) – A Multi-agency Educational Resource to Support Complex Public Protection Understanding and Practice (2016)
Journal Article
Heyman, I., Innes, G., & Goodhand, K. (2016). Collaborative Outcomes Learning Tool (COLT) – A Multi-agency Educational Resource to Support Complex Public Protection Understanding and Practice. Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice, 4(3),

Multi-agency public protection practice has received significant media and government scrutiny in recent years, in response to
failings to protect those most vulnerable people in society. Despite an appreciation by agencies that there are resource a... Read More about Collaborative Outcomes Learning Tool (COLT) – A Multi-agency Educational Resource to Support Complex Public Protection Understanding and Practice.

Curriculum development through understanding the student nurse experience of suicide intervention education – A phenomenographic study (2015)
Journal Article
Heyman, I., Webster, B. J., & Tee, S. (2015). Curriculum development through understanding the student nurse experience of suicide intervention education – A phenomenographic study. Nurse Education in Practice, 15(6), 498-506.

Suicide remains a global public health issue and a major governmental concern. The World Health Organisation argues for continued investment in education for front-line professionals, with a particular focus on nurses, to address the rising suicide l... Read More about Curriculum development through understanding the student nurse experience of suicide intervention education – A phenomenographic study.