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Outputs (3)

Engaging secondary stakeholders with Edinburgh’s festivals and tourism sectors: Staycations, localisation, community, and placemaking. (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Todd, L., & Leask, A. (2024, August). Engaging secondary stakeholders with Edinburgh’s festivals and tourism sectors: Staycations, localisation, community, and placemaking. Presented at 35th International Geographical Congress 2024, Dublin, Ireland

Our research considers how Edinburgh’s festivals and tourism sectors can advance through sustainable community engagement, such as facilitating staycations, by responding to contemporary contexts such as calls for localisation and the cost-of-living... Read More about Engaging secondary stakeholders with Edinburgh’s festivals and tourism sectors: Staycations, localisation, community, and placemaking..

The sustainable festival city and local communities: Engaging secondary stakeholders through placemaking (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Todd, L., & Leask, A. (2024, June). The sustainable festival city and local communities: Engaging secondary stakeholders through placemaking. Paper presented at ATLAS Annual Conference 2024 Leisure & Tourism 2030: Navigating the Future, Breda, Netherlands

We will present initial findings from our research which considers how Edinburgh’s (UK) festivals and tourism sectors can deliver sustainable community engagement. Our study applies co-designed participative action research (PAR) (Goebel et al., 2020... Read More about The sustainable festival city and local communities: Engaging secondary stakeholders through placemaking.