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Outputs (3)

Managing the co-creation of narratives in the heritage sector: The case of the Surgeons' Hall Museum, Edinburgh (2019)
Book Chapter
Urquhart, E., & Leask, A. (2019). Managing the co-creation of narratives in the heritage sector: The case of the Surgeons' Hall Museum, Edinburgh. In Experiential Consumption and Marketing in Tourism with a Cross-Cultural Context. Goodfellow Publishers

The objectives of this chapter are to:
- Link together theoretical approaches to storytelling and narrative creation with the co-creation of heritage experiences;
- Identify and discuss management practices and associated opportunities for narrati... Read More about Managing the co-creation of narratives in the heritage sector: The case of the Surgeons' Hall Museum, Edinburgh.

After-hours events at the National Museum of Scotland: a product for attracting, engaging and retaining new museum audiences? (2019)
Journal Article
Easson, H., & Leask, A. (2020). After-hours events at the National Museum of Scotland: a product for attracting, engaging and retaining new museum audiences?. Current Issues in Tourism, 23(11), 1343-1356.

Cultural heritage is recognised as one of the major contributors to the economy and has traditionally been funded from the public sector. Museums have had to become more commercial as a result of declining core funding sources and changing visitor ex... Read More about After-hours events at the National Museum of Scotland: a product for attracting, engaging and retaining new museum audiences?.

The effect of exporting hospitality and tourism degrees overseas on the home campus: a conceptual model. (2019)
Journal Article
Lagiewski, R. M., Barron, P., & Leask, A. (2019). The effect of exporting hospitality and tourism degrees overseas on the home campus: a conceptual model. Journal of hospitality, leisure, sport & tourism education, 24, 211-222.

Hospitality and tourism programmes have, over the recent decades, been involved in the delivery of their degrees in international locations through a variety of export models. A case strategy approach was used to explore programmes delivering their... Read More about The effect of exporting hospitality and tourism degrees overseas on the home campus: a conceptual model..