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Experimental approach for measuring resolution of complementary metal oxide semiconductor imaging systems (1998)
Journal Article
Wei, H., Johnston, E., & Binnie, D. (1998). Experimental approach for measuring resolution of complementary metal oxide semiconductor imaging systems. Optical Engineering, 37(9), 2565.

This paper demonstrates a convenient experimental technique for measuring the resolution of a digital imaging system. The spatial frequency response of the system is obtained by deriving the modulation transfer function (MTF) from the measured contra... Read More about Experimental approach for measuring resolution of complementary metal oxide semiconductor imaging systems.

Rheometrical aspects of the viscoelastic dispersion of shear waves in gel-like mechanical networks (1998)
Journal Article
Williams, P., & Williams, R. (1998). Rheometrical aspects of the viscoelastic dispersion of shear waves in gel-like mechanical networks. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 78(2-3), 203-225.

A modified form of the Gross-Marvin ladder model is used to simulate gelation processes in which α, the viscoelastic stress relaxation exponent in the Gel Equation, can be varied in the range O