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Outputs (235)

The intersection of datafication and data justice in higher education (2025)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fabian, K. (2025, October). The intersection of datafication and data justice in higher education. Presented at Connecting Space, Data and Society: Interdisciplinary Pathways, London

There has been an increasing uptake of technology in the classroom, either for teaching or for classroom management purposes. Along with this uptake is the increasing datafication of education. Datafication is the process of rendering social and natu... Read More about The intersection of datafication and data justice in higher education.

Three ways to develop students’ AI literacy (2025)
Newspaper / Magazine
Gonsalves, C., & Illingworth, S. (2025). Three ways to develop students’ AI literacy

Is higher education prepared for a future defined by AI, or do we need to do more to align education with technology’s changing landscape? Here are three ways to get your students to engage with it critically.

How Edx Platform Was Used to Save Education in Gaza During the War (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Romdhani, I. (2025, July). How Edx Platform Was Used to Save Education in Gaza During the War. Presented at Open edX Conference 2025, Paris

Following the ongoing war in Gaza since last October, all universities in Gaza have been destroyed and students have been deprived of their right to continue studying like their peers around the world. An Edinburgh Napier academic is spearheading an... Read More about How Edx Platform Was Used to Save Education in Gaza During the War.

Becoming Rhizome: Deleuze and Guattari’s Rhizome as Theory and Method (2024)
Book Chapter
Drumm, L. (2024). Becoming Rhizome: Deleuze and Guattari’s Rhizome as Theory and Method. In Theory and Method in Higher Education Research: Volume 10 (37-55). Emerald.

This chapter explores Deleuze and Guattari’s rhizome as a multifaceted approach within educational research, suggesting it as an alternative way of mapping complexities, limiting structures and messiness which may not always be surfaced in more tradi... Read More about Becoming Rhizome: Deleuze and Guattari’s Rhizome as Theory and Method.

Editorial: Moving Artificial Intelligence Scholarship: Navigating the AI Frontier in Higher Education (2024)
Journal Article
Vahed, A., Reis, C., Singh, S., & Drumm, L. (2024). Editorial: Moving Artificial Intelligence Scholarship: Navigating the AI Frontier in Higher Education. African Journal of Inter/Multidisciplinary Studies, 6(1), 1-3.

The swift and pervasive rise of artificial intelligence (AI), particularly Generative AI (GenAI), is reshaping the educational landscape globally. As we navigate a future shaped by developments in AI, the need for critical engagement, ethical framewo... Read More about Editorial: Moving Artificial Intelligence Scholarship: Navigating the AI Frontier in Higher Education.

Resisting the gendered categorisation of Computing and Engineering (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Taylor-Smith, E., & Smith, S. (2024, December). Resisting the gendered categorisation of Computing and Engineering. Paper presented at International Conference of the Society of Research into Higher Education, Nottingham, UK

As information infrastructures increasingly shape decisions that affect us, especially through the undertow of artificial intelligence, it is essential that women and gender minorities are well-represented across computing and engineering. However, t... Read More about Resisting the gendered categorisation of Computing and Engineering.

Activity theory analysis of training for workplace mentors in apprenticeship degrees (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Taylor-Smith, E., & Smith, S. (2024, December). Activity theory analysis of training for workplace mentors in apprenticeship degrees. Paper presented at International Conference of the Society of Research into Higher Education, Nottingham, UK

Apprenticeship degrees bring the radical possibility of higher education without debt. They also require taking learning off-campus and into the workplace, collaborating with employers on credit-bearing workplace learning, inclusion, and widening acc... Read More about Activity theory analysis of training for workplace mentors in apprenticeship degrees.

Academic Staff AI Literacy Development Through LLM Prompt Training (2024)
Book Chapter
Drumm, L., & Sami, A. (2024). Academic Staff AI Literacy Development Through LLM Prompt Training. In X. O’Dea, & D. Tsz Kit Ng (Eds.), Effective Practices in AI Literacy Education: Case Studies and Reflections (41-49). Emerald.

A foundation in artificial intelligence (AI) literacy among all academic staff is essential for supporting students’ AI literacy effectively. As tools like ChatGPT increasingly influence academic work, educators need to understand prompt engineering... Read More about Academic Staff AI Literacy Development Through LLM Prompt Training.

Using storyboards to explore the impact of staff development on student retention in higher education (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Illingworth, S., Cowan, J., Graham, C., Shan, S., & Swanton, K. (2024, December). Using storyboards to explore the impact of staff development on student retention in higher education. Presented at 2024 SRHE International Research Conference, Online

This paper explores how staff engagement and Continuing Professional Development (CPD) can influence student retention outcomes in higher education. Drawing on a detailed research project at Edinburgh Napier University, it highlights the role of acad... Read More about Using storyboards to explore the impact of staff development on student retention in higher education.

English as a Lingua Franca: Intercultural Interaction in an Asian 'Third Space' Context (2024)
Journal Article
Victoria, M., Xu, F. H., & Pilcher, N. (online). English as a Lingua Franca: Intercultural Interaction in an Asian 'Third Space' Context. Asian Englishes,

In many studies on English as a Lingua Franca (ELF), the prevailing perspective has primarily focused on ELF as the use of English for communication among speakers who do not share English as their first language. However, recent scholarship has emph... Read More about English as a Lingua Franca: Intercultural Interaction in an Asian 'Third Space' Context.

Designing out Barriers - Student Partnership for Student Voice Research (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Garden, C., Skelton, F., & Calabrese, P. (2024, September). Designing out Barriers - Student Partnership for Student Voice Research. Presented at RAISE Annual Conference 2024, Leicester

We are committed to creating a culture of inclusion at Edinburgh Napier University. Listening to and respecting the student voice are part of the culture – to be an inclusive university we must have ways to hear every student and work to remove any b... Read More about Designing out Barriers - Student Partnership for Student Voice Research.

Reflections of a PhD mentor: Thesis Mentor Pilot Scheme 2024 (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Cameron, J., Naik, V., & Gourlay, E. (2024, September). Reflections of a PhD mentor: Thesis Mentor Pilot Scheme 2024. Presented at Vitae International Researcher Development Conference 2024, Online

Dr Jackie Cameron shares the experience of serving as a mentor on the 12-week pilot mentorship programme that aimed to improve the student experience and outcomes of PhD students at the right-up stage. Presenting at a workshop entitled 'Honey, We Shr... Read More about Reflections of a PhD mentor: Thesis Mentor Pilot Scheme 2024.

Activity theory analysis of training for workplace mentors in apprenticeship degrees (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Taylor-Smith, E., & Smith, S. (2024, December). Activity theory analysis of training for workplace mentors in apprenticeship degrees. Paper presented at 2024 SRHE International Research Conference, Nottingham

Apprenticeship degrees bring the radical possibility of higher education without debt. They also require taking learning off-campus and into the workplace, collaborating with employers on credit-bearing workplace learning, inclusion, and widening acc... Read More about Activity theory analysis of training for workplace mentors in apprenticeship degrees.

Resisting the gendered categorisation of Computing and Engineering (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Taylor-Smith, E., & Smith, S. (2024, December). Resisting the gendered categorisation of Computing and Engineering. Paper presented at 2024 SRHE International Research Conference, Nottingham

As information infrastructures increasingly shape decisions that affect us, especially through the undertow of artificial intelligence, it is essential that women and gender minorities are well-represented across computing and engineering. However, t... Read More about Resisting the gendered categorisation of Computing and Engineering.

Workplace Mentor Training for Inclusion: Training resources for work-based learning mentors (2024)
Digital Artefact
Taylor-Smith, E., Smith, S., Cecil, M., & Scott, A. (2024). Workplace Mentor Training for Inclusion: Training resources for work-based learning mentors. [Blog]

This is a resource for work-based learning mentors, with a special focus on mentoring for inclusion, featuring Key Elements of Inclusion for Mentors infographic and Intro to Inclusion animation.

It grew out of a collaborative research project betw... Read More about Workplace Mentor Training for Inclusion: Training resources for work-based learning mentors.

AI Literacy Framework for Marketing Education and Assessment Design. (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kurtzke, S. (2024, June). AI Literacy Framework for Marketing Education and Assessment Design. Presented at Marketing Professional Advisory Group Meeting, Edinburgh Napier University, UK

This talk aims to collect feedback from marketing practitioners on an evidence-based AI Literacy Framework that shows how higher-order human and applied AI skills can be embedded in marketing curricula and through assessment. It sets out debates on A... Read More about AI Literacy Framework for Marketing Education and Assessment Design..