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Outputs (6)

Degree Apprentices’ Lockdown Survey: Reflections on working and studying from home (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Taylor-Smith, E., & Fabian, K. (2021, December). Degree Apprentices’ Lockdown Survey: Reflections on working and studying from home. Presented at SRHE International Conference on Research into Higher Education, Online

During the first UK lockdown period, degree apprentices in two universities in Scotland were invited to complete a short qualitative survey with their reflections on starting to work and study from home. They were encouraged to complete the survey o... Read More about Degree Apprentices’ Lockdown Survey: Reflections on working and studying from home.

How are we positioning degree apprenticeships? Analysis of adverts (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fabian, K., Taylor-Smith, E., & Smith, S. (2021, December). How are we positioning degree apprenticeships? Analysis of adverts. Presented at SRHE International Conference on Research into Higher Education, Online

Degree apprentices are recruited by employers, rather than universities, reflecting their status as paid employees, first and foremost. This study analysed job adverts for IT degree apprenticeship roles to investigate the: skills, attributes, and qua... Read More about How are we positioning degree apprenticeships? Analysis of adverts.

Radically reconfigured or just broken? How emergency online teaching has altered staff conceptions of learning and teaching (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Drumm, L., & Zike, J. (2021, December). Radically reconfigured or just broken? How emergency online teaching has altered staff conceptions of learning and teaching. Paper presented at Society for Research in Higher Education’s Annual Conference, Online

The pace of this so-called 'pivot' meant that careful online curriculum design and evidence-based approaches were often lost in the urgency to replicate face-to-face teaching. What are the longer term implications of so much of education operating wi... Read More about Radically reconfigured or just broken? How emergency online teaching has altered staff conceptions of learning and teaching.

Digital Pedagogy & Learning Design (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Drumm, L. (2021, November). Digital Pedagogy & Learning Design. Paper presented at The EdTech & Digital Learning Conference, Online

Computing students' attitudes to environmental sustainability education (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Smith, S., Egan, C., & Plum, K. (2021, June). Computing students' attitudes to environmental sustainability education. Paper presented at Horizons in STEM Higher Education, Online

Students have voiced concerns that their university courses do not equip them with sufficient information to understand the challenges of environmental sustainability. Although some universities (notably UWE and Keele, among others) have made signifi... Read More about Computing students' attitudes to environmental sustainability education.