Science and Society: Science Communication Practice, Research, and Reflection II eLightning
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Illingworth, S., Timm, K., Roop, H., & Taylor, S. (2021, December). Science and Society: Science Communication Practice, Research, and Reflection II eLightning. Presented at AGU Fall Meeting 2021, New Orleans, LA
Outputs (2)
A Celestial Crown of Sonnets (2021)
Illingworth, S., & Wren, S. P. (2021). A Celestial Crown of Sonnets. Penteract PressA Celestial Crown of Sonnets aims to tell the story of astronomy via an heroic crown of sonnets (also known as a sonnet redoublé), with each sonnet focusing on a different historically significant astronomer. The formal structure involves fourteen so... Read More about A Celestial Crown of Sonnets.