If AI is to become a key tool in education, access has to be equal
Newspaper / Magazine
Illingworth, S. (2023). If AI is to become a key tool in education, access has to be equal
Outputs (4)
ChatGPT is the push higher education needs to rethink assessment (2023)
Newspaper / Magazine
Illingworth, S. (2023). ChatGPT is the push higher education needs to rethink assessment
How AI could undermine diversity in the curriculum (2023)
Newspaper / Magazine
Illingworth, S. (2023). How AI could undermine diversity in the curriculumThe biases inherent in artificial intelligence are well known – and could be coming to a classroom near you. Sam Illingworth tackles the dark side of ChatGPT
ChatGPT: students could use AI to cheat, but it’s a chance to rethink assessment altogether (2023)
Newspaper / Magazine
Illingworth, S. (2023). ChatGPT: students could use AI to cheat, but it’s a chance to rethink assessment altogether