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Outputs (3)

The Chrysler Cycle (2004)
Burton, K. (2004). The Chrysler Cycle. [Score]. Edinburgh, Scotland

Movement III – “water, reflected”
“water, reflected…” was composed in 2004 and is the third movement of a five-movement work for orchestra, a research project linking musical composition to architectural design, in particular that of the Chrysler Bu... Read More about The Chrysler Cycle.

Water, reflected. (2004)
Burton, K. (2004). Water, reflected. [Score]. Edinburgh, Scotland

“Water, reflected…” was composed in 2004 and is the third movement of a five-movement work for orchestra, a research project linking musical composition to architectural design, in particular that of the Chrysler Building. All five movements can be p... Read More about Water, reflected..

Peer Gynt. (2004)
Dempster, K. (2004). Peer Gynt