Urban Gothic.
Book Chapter
Alder, E. (2012). Urban Gothic. In W. Hughes, D. Punter, & A. Smith (Eds.), Encyclopedia of the Gothic. Blackwell
Outputs (7)
Wiliam Hope Hodgson. (2012)
Book Chapter
Alder, E. (2012). Wiliam Hope Hodgson. In W. Hughes, D. Punter, & A. Smith (Eds.), Encyclopedia of the Gothic. Blackwell
Mutual appreciation: Tagore on nation and nationalism. (2012)
Book Chapter
Fraser, B. (2012). Mutual appreciation: Tagore on nation and nationalism. In B. Chakraborty, & K. R. Rajat (Eds.), Rabindranath Tagore Commemorative Volume. Visva-Bharati Press
In “the black murmuring crowd”: Aldington’s Imagist London (2012)
Book Chapter
Frayn, A. (2012). In “the black murmuring crowd”: Aldington’s Imagist London. In D. Kempton, & H. R. Stoneback (Eds.), Aldington, Pound, and the Imagists at Brunnenburg (27-35). Greagau Press
Ambulant Fetish: the exotic woman in "Black Venus" and "Master". (2012)
Book Chapter
Artt, S. (2012). Ambulant Fetish: the exotic woman in "Black Venus" and "Master". In S. Andermahr, & L. Phillips (Eds.), Angela Carter: New Critical Readings (176-186). Continuum
Hugh MacDiarmid and the Scottish Renaissance (2012)
Book Chapter
Lyall, S. (2012). Hugh MacDiarmid and the Scottish Renaissance. In G. Carruthers, & L. McIlvanney (Eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Scottish Literature (173-187). Cambridge University PressThough commonly viewed as definitively rural and nationalist, the Scottish Literary Renaissance was actually begun in London by an émigré community of Burnsian Scots. The Vernacular Circle of the London Robert Burns Club, set up in 1920 to save the D... Read More about Hugh MacDiarmid and the Scottish Renaissance.
Les liaisons dangeureuses a l'anglais: examining traces of 'European-ness' in Valmont, Dangerous Liaisons and Cruel Intentions. (2012)
Book Chapter
Artt, S. (2012). Les liaisons dangeureuses a l'anglais: examining traces of 'European-ness' in Valmont, Dangerous Liaisons and Cruel Intentions. In L. Raw (Ed.), Translation, Adaptation and Transformation (162-170). Continuum