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Outputs (8)

“The Right to Live”: D.H. Lawrence, Max Plowman, and the First World War (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Frayn, A. (2016, December). “The Right to Live”: D.H. Lawrence, Max Plowman, and the First World War. Paper presented at Historical Modernisms, Institute for English Studies, University of London

A writer profoundly engaged with relationships between people, and between humankind and the world, D. H. Lawrence’s writing must be read in its historical context. Lawrence was affected deleteriously and profoundly by the First World War: the banni... Read More about “The Right to Live”: D.H. Lawrence, Max Plowman, and the First World War.

Modernism and Imagist Poetry (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Frayn, A. (2016, July). Modernism and Imagist Poetry. Presented at Scottish Universities International Summer School, University of Edinburgh

Lecture delivered to the Scottish Universities International Summer School, University of Edinburgh.

Enchantments and Attachments: Surviving and Coping in the First World War (2016)
Digital Artefact
Frayn, A. (2016). Enchantments and Attachments: Surviving and Coping in the First World War. [Podcast]

A talk to the department of English at University College Dublin, in the Wartime Attachments series, organised by Dr Barry Shiels. The series was funded by the Irish Research Council.

D. H. Lawrence described his poetry collection 'Bay', publishe... Read More about Enchantments and Attachments: Surviving and Coping in the First World War.

What a victory it might have been”: C. E. Montague and the First World War. (2016)
Book Chapter
Frayn, A. (2016). What a victory it might have been”: C. E. Montague and the First World War. In T. Tate, & K. Kennedy (Eds.), The Silent Morning: Culture and Memory After the Armistice (131-148). Manchester University Press

Discusses Montague's post-war prose work in terms of peace and silence.