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‘Green’ fiscal measures for lessening the environmental impact of private vehicle ownership – a review. (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Borthwick, S., & Carreno, M. (2011, May). ‘Green’ fiscal measures for lessening the environmental impact of private vehicle ownership – a review

Given the increasing concerns surrounding climate change, the paper focuses upon the transport sector and the use of taxation policy to help curb rising amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Through various environmental reforms, Governments can... Read More about ‘Green’ fiscal measures for lessening the environmental impact of private vehicle ownership – a review..

Energy cooperatives as a means of achieving sustainability within the housing sector. (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Borthwick, S., & Muneer, T. (2011, June). Energy cooperatives as a means of achieving sustainability within the housing sector. Presented at CIC Start Online Conference 2011 - Resilience of Buildings, Neighbourhoods and Cities

TRI members Sarah Borthwick and Prof Tariq Muneer have presented a video entitled "Energy Co-operatives as a Means of Achieving Sustainability within the Housing Sector" as part of a 4-day online conference on the "Resilience of Buildings, Neighbourh... Read More about Energy cooperatives as a means of achieving sustainability within the housing sector..