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Outputs (3)

De-Centring Western Sexualities: Central and Eastern European Perspectives (2011)
Kulpa, R., & Mizielińska, J. (Eds.). (2011). De-Centring Western Sexualities: Central and Eastern European Perspectives. Ashgate Publishing.

De-Centring Western Sexualities critically assesses the current state of knowledge about sexualities outside the framings of 'The West', by focusing on gender and sexuality within the context of Central and Eastern Europe. Providing rich case studies... Read More about De-Centring Western Sexualities: Central and Eastern European Perspectives.

Getting in, Getting Construction Modern Apprentices in Scotland (2011)
Sharapov, K., & Tizard, J. (2011). Getting in, Getting Construction Modern Apprentices in Scotland. Edinburgh: ConstructionSkills

This report describes research supported by ConstructionSkills,
the Scottish Resource Centre for Women in Science, Engineering
& Technology, Edinburgh Napier University, the European Social
Fund and the Scottish Funding Council.