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Are physical activity referral scheme components associated with increased physical activity, scheme uptake, and adherence rate? A meta-analysis and meta-regression (2024)
Journal Article
Mino, E., Pfeifer, K., Hanson, C. L., Schuler, M., Brandmeier, A., Klamroth, S., Naber, I., Weissenfels, A., McHale, S., Abu-Omar, K., Gelius, P., Whiting, S., Wickramasinghe, K., Galea, G., & Geidl, W. (2024). Are physical activity referral scheme components associated with increased physical activity, scheme uptake, and adherence rate? A meta-analysis and meta-regression. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 21(1), Article 82.

Background: Physical activity referral schemes (PARS) are composed of various components, such as a written prescription or a person-centered approach. The role of these components in their effectiveness is yet to be understood. Therefore, we aimed t... Read More about Are physical activity referral scheme components associated with increased physical activity, scheme uptake, and adherence rate? A meta-analysis and meta-regression.

Physical Activity Interventions Framed by the Health Action Process Approach for Adults with Long-Term Conditions: A Scoping Review (2024)
Journal Article
Silva-Smith, A. L., Hanson, C. L., Neubeck, L., Rowat, A., & McHale, S. (2024). Physical Activity Interventions Framed by the Health Action Process Approach for Adults with Long-Term Conditions: A Scoping Review. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 31(6), 987-1017.

Interventions that use the Health Action Process Approach (HAPA) model show promise for increasing PA frequency, duration, and intensity. However, there is limited understanding of how HAPA model variables have been operationalized for PA... Read More about Physical Activity Interventions Framed by the Health Action Process Approach for Adults with Long-Term Conditions: A Scoping Review.