Dr Kulpa organises a gender & sexuality-focused event to celebrate inclusive queer-feminist politics across the month of March 2024.
Mar 6, 2024
News (7)
Coffee with Dr Coral Hanson
Aug 9, 2024
Source Heart Research UK Summer Edition of Pulse Magazine Summary News article about our Exercise after Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection Study Linked Funders Heart Research UK People Coral Hanson Org Units School of Health and Social Care Projects Developing remote exercise support and rehabilitation for patients after spontaneous coronary artery dissection - a feasibility study Research Areas Health and wellbeing
Physical activity
Physical health recoveryThemes Health Research Centres/Groups Centre for Cardiovascular Health URL https://indd.adobe.com/view/01ae8c9e-155f-4c25-bd9c-9185ea477c7e?utm_campaign=14608913_August%20KIT%2BPulse%20-%20First%20name&utm_medium=email&dm_i=6ZV,8P4B5,6BQSI5,1045PI,1 This news contributes to the following UN Sustainable Development Goals
Dr Kulpa presents findings from the EU-funded RESIST project at a international European Geographies of Sexualities Conference
Sep 2, 2024
Summary Roberto Kulpa talked about: Mapping so-called ‘anti-gender’ discourses in parliamentary and media spaces across the ‘eastern’ and ‘western’ geopolitical imaginations of ‘Europe’ at the 7th European Geographies of Sexualities Conference (EGSC) 2024, held at University of Brighton, Sept 2024.
Dr Kulpa's talk addressed findings from the RESIST project:
Anti-feminist and anti-LGBTIQ+ mobilisations have taken roots transnationally, denying individuals autonomy, rights to bodily integrity or self-determination, and attacking selected groups of people (e.g. trans* people, people doing abortion) in order to pursue dehumanising and exclusionary agendas. In the ongoing battle against them, national and international queer-feminist insurgencies have been developing spaces of resistances and fightback. ‘Identity politics’, one way or another, is thus a space of tensions and dis-comforts of politics, where actors, issues, and strategies constantly manoeuvre and reposition themselves to aggregate or ease the arising frictions. Symbolic and real geo-temporalities of political loci have been a significant contributing factor in these processes.
This presentation will empirically draw on the research findings from the RESIST Project (https://theresistproject.eu) on the parliamentary and media ‘anti-gender’ debates in the UK, PL, HU, CH, and the European Parliament to engage with the following issues:
•how ‘dis-comfort’ features as an element of the ‘anti-gender’ politics in Polish and transnational contexts;
•porous and un-comfortable thresholds across media and parliaments as places of (trans)national politics;
•syncretic benefits and obstacles emerging from those ‘threshold of dis-comforts’ that re-create imaginary geopolitics of ‘the ‘east’ and ‘west’ in the ‘anti-gender’ (scholarly, political, activist) debates;
•thinking forward about recommendations and next steps needed in our fight against inequalities and for the better, queer-feminist futures.
‘anti-gender’, LGBTIQ+ equalities, parliamentary and media discourses, queer-feminist resistances, threshold politics.Linked Funders EC European Commission People Roberto Kulpa Outputs Mapping so-called ‘anti-gender’ discourses in parliamentary and media spaces across the ‘eastern’ and ‘western’ geopolitical imaginations of ‘Europe’. Org Units School of Applied Sciences Projects RESIST - Fostering Queer-Feminist Intersectional Resistances against Transnational Anti-Gender Politics Research Areas Gender
Migration and Mobility
Social justice
Critical studies
Children’s Rights
Cultural heritage
Ethics and sustainability
Families and Relationships
Health and wellbeing
Human rights
Law and Legal Policy
PedagogyThemes Culture and Communities Research Centres/Groups Social Sciences Research Group
Art and Design Research Centre
Centre for Child & Family Law and PolicyURL https://2024.egsconference.com This news contributes to the following UN Sustainable Development Goals
Press Release. RESIST reveals the ‘heartbreaking’ impact of so-called ‘anti-gender’ politics across Europe
Oct 9, 2024
Blog for Public Health Scotland
Dec 19, 2023
Source Public Health Scotland Summary Blog on 20mph speed limits in settlements across Scotland as a move from 30mph. This follows the Bute House Agreement between the SNP and Green Party so that the Scottish Government has stated that all appropriate roads in built up areas will have a safer speed limit of 20mph by 2025. People Adrian Davis Org Units School of Computing Engineering and the Built Environment Research Areas Transport policy
Health and wellbeingThemes Health
EnvironmentResearch Centres/Groups Transport Research Innovation Centre URL https://beta.publichealthscotland.scot/our-blog/2023/december/why-a-20mph-limit-is-plenty/
ENU Attends Health and Care Professions Research Conference
Nov 7, 2023
Source online blog Summary Professor Alison Porter-Armstrong presented “Capacity building in the allied health professions: the outcome of a health intervention research study”.
3 Key Messages
There is value in diffusing training beyond the setup of a healthcare intervention trial.
There is an opportunity for broader workforce development to enhance knowledge and skills:
This capacity and capability building can transform clinical research and practice.People Alison Porter-Armstrong Org Units School of Health and Social Care Research Areas Health Technologies
Health and wellbeingThemes Health Research Centres/Groups Health Technologies Research Group URL https://blogs.napier.ac.uk/enuhealthsocial/2023/11/15/enu-attends-health-and-care-professions-research-conference/
Dr Kulpa speaks about the importance of 'gender' on Polish public TV
Dec 11, 2024