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Outputs (3)

Mapping so-called ‘anti-gender’ discourses in parliamentary and media spaces across the ‘eastern’ and ‘western’ geopolitical imaginations of ‘Europe’. (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kulpa, R. (2024, September). Mapping so-called ‘anti-gender’ discourses in parliamentary and media spaces across the ‘eastern’ and ‘western’ geopolitical imaginations of ‘Europe’. Presented at 7th European Geographies of Sexualities Conference (EGSC) 2024, University of Brighton, UK

Anti-feminist and anti-LGBTIQ+ mobilisations have taken roots transnationally, denying individuals autonomy, rights to bodily integrity or self-determination, and attacking selected groups of people (e.g. trans* people, people doing abortion) in orde... Read More about Mapping so-called ‘anti-gender’ discourses in parliamentary and media spaces across the ‘eastern’ and ‘western’ geopolitical imaginations of ‘Europe’..

RESISTing B/ORDERS: Navigating Meaningful Research Process in the Spirit of the Queer-Feminist Epistemologies within Neoliberal, Institutional B/Orders of Multi-National Funding Grant Systems (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kulpa, R. (2023, September). RESISTing B/ORDERS: Navigating Meaningful Research Process in the Spirit of the Queer-Feminist Epistemologies within Neoliberal, Institutional B/Orders of Multi-National Funding Grant Systems. Presented at Contesting 21st Century B/Orders, Frankfurt

In this presentation Roberto and the RESIST project team will reflect on the meanders of the contemporary higher education and research sectors across Europe from the perspectives of queer-feminist researchers located in diverse geopolitical contexts... Read More about RESISTing B/ORDERS: Navigating Meaningful Research Process in the Spirit of the Queer-Feminist Epistemologies within Neoliberal, Institutional B/Orders of Multi-National Funding Grant Systems.

Spaces and Places of Friendship. Thinking about Geo-spatiality in Practices of Friendship (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kulpa, R. (2019, September). Spaces and Places of Friendship. Thinking about Geo-spatiality in Practices of Friendship. Paper presented at European Geographies of Sexualities Conference, Prague, CZ

Presentation titled: "Spaces and Places of Friendship. Thinking about Geo-spatiality in Practices of Friendship". To: 5th European Geographies of Sexualities Conference. Prague, Charles University.