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Outputs (87)

First genetic evidence that invasive bullhead (Cottus L. 1758) in Scotland is of English origin and the difficulty of resolving the European Cottus species taxonomy (2020)
Journal Article
McLeish, J., Briers, R., Dodd, J., & Rueckert, S. (2020). First genetic evidence that invasive bullhead (Cottus L. 1758) in Scotland is of English origin and the difficulty of resolving the European Cottus species taxonomy. Journal of Fish Biology, 96(3), 617-630.

The European bullhead (Cottus gobio) is widely distributed across Europe and within the UK is native to England and Wales, where it is protected under the Habitats Directive. In Scotland, however, the species is considered invasive and thriving popul... Read More about First genetic evidence that invasive bullhead (Cottus L. 1758) in Scotland is of English origin and the difficulty of resolving the European Cottus species taxonomy.

High Temperature and Crab Density Reduce Atmospheric Nitrogen Fixation in Red Sea Mangrove Sediments (2019)
Journal Article
Qashqari, M. S., Garcias-Bonet, N., Fusi, M., Booth, J. M., Daffonchio, D., & Duarte, C. M. (2020). High Temperature and Crab Density Reduce Atmospheric Nitrogen Fixation in Red Sea Mangrove Sediments. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 232, Article 106487.

Mangrove ecosystems are highly productive and provide important ecosystem services. However, in the Red Sea mangroves are under severe nutrient-limiting conditions, reflected in dwarf plants. The nutrient limitation is especially acute for iron, as v... Read More about High Temperature and Crab Density Reduce Atmospheric Nitrogen Fixation in Red Sea Mangrove Sediments.

Developmental stages and gut microenvironments influence gut microbiota dynamics in the invasive beetle Popillia japonica Newman (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) (2019)
Journal Article
Chouaia, B., Goda, N., Mazza, G., Alali, S., Florian, F., Gionechetti, F., Callegari, M., Gonella, E., Magoga, G., Fusi, M., Crotti, E., Daffonchio, D., Alma, A., Paoli, F., Roversi, P. F., Marianelli, L., & Montagna, M. (2019). Developmental stages and gut microenvironments influence gut microbiota dynamics in the invasive beetle Popillia japonica Newman (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). Environmental Microbiology, 21(11), 4343-4359.

Popillia japonica Newman (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) is a highly polyphagous invasive beetle originating from Japan. This insect is highly resilient and able to rapidly adapt to new vegetation. Insect‐associated microorganisms can play important roles... Read More about Developmental stages and gut microenvironments influence gut microbiota dynamics in the invasive beetle Popillia japonica Newman (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae).

Revealed: how underwater plants and corals can help animals survive marine heatwaves (2019)
Newspaper / Magazine
Fusi, M. (2019). Revealed: how underwater plants and corals can help animals survive marine heatwaves.

Fusi, M. (2019). Revealed: how underwater plants and corals can help animals survive marine heatwaves. The Conversation.

Oxygen supersaturation protects coastal marine fauna from ocean warming (2019)
Journal Article
Giomi, F., Barausse, A., Duarte, C. M., Booth, J., Agusti, S., Saderne, V., Anton, A., Daffonchio, D., & Fusi, M. (2019). Oxygen supersaturation protects coastal marine fauna from ocean warming. Science Advances, 5(9), Article eaax1814.

Ocean warming affects the life history and fitness of marine organisms by, among others, increasing animal metabolism and reducing oxygen availability. In coastal habitats, animals live in close association with photosynthetic organisms whose oxygen... Read More about Oxygen supersaturation protects coastal marine fauna from ocean warming.

Environmental latitudinal gradients and host specificity shape Symbiodiniaceae distribution in Red Sea Porites corals (2019)
Journal Article
Terraneo, T. I., Fusi, M., Hume, B. C., Arrigoni, R., Voolstra, C. R., Benzoni, F., Forsman, Z. H., & Berumen, M. L. (2019). Environmental latitudinal gradients and host specificity shape Symbiodiniaceae distribution in Red Sea Porites corals. Journal of Biogeography, 46(10), 2323-2335.

To assess the diversity of algal symbionts of the family Symbiodiniaceae associated with the coral genus Porites in the Red Sea, and to test for host-specificity and environmental variables driving biogeographical patterns of algal symbiont dist... Read More about Environmental latitudinal gradients and host specificity shape Symbiodiniaceae distribution in Red Sea Porites corals.

Life Cycle Environmental Impact Assessment of Contemporary and Traditional Housing in Palestine (2019)
Journal Article
Piroozfar, P., Pomponi, F., & El-Alem, F. (2019). Life Cycle Environmental Impact Assessment of Contemporary and Traditional Housing in Palestine. Energy and Buildings, 202, Article 109333.

Residential buildings consume a vast amount of energy throughout their whole-life cycles with the subsequent greenhouse gases (GHG) emitted in the atmosphere. This phenomenon will only be exacerbated by projected trends in excessive urbanisation and... Read More about Life Cycle Environmental Impact Assessment of Contemporary and Traditional Housing in Palestine.

The symbiotic spectrum: where do the gregarines fit? (2019)
Journal Article
Rueckert, S., Betts, E. L., & Tsaousis, A. D. (2019). The symbiotic spectrum: where do the gregarines fit?. Trends in Parasitology, 35(9), 687-694.

Gregarine apicomplexans are closely related to parasites such as Plasmodium, Toxoplasma, and Cryptosporidium, which are causing severe health and economic burdens. Colonizing only invertebrates and having no obvious medical relevance, they are mostly... Read More about The symbiotic spectrum: where do the gregarines fit?.

From DNA to ecological performance: Effects of anthropogenic noise on a reef-building mussel (2019)
Journal Article
Wale, M. A., Briers, R. A., Hartl, M. G., Bryson, D., & Diele, K. (2019). From DNA to ecological performance: Effects of anthropogenic noise on a reef-building mussel. Science of the Total Environment, 689, 126-132.

Responses of marine invertebrates to anthropogenic noise are insufficiently known, impeding our understanding of ecosystemic impacts of noise and the development of mitigation strategies. We show that the blue mussel, Mytilus edulis, is negatively af... Read More about From DNA to ecological performance: Effects of anthropogenic noise on a reef-building mussel.

The Lions' Gate: Towards a Permaculture-inspired Blended Space (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Egan, C., Thompson, R., & O'Dowd, A. (2019, June). The Lions' Gate: Towards a Permaculture-inspired Blended Space. Presented at Computing Within Limits - ICT4Sustainability, Lappeenranta, Finland

In light of the devastating ecological effects of climate breakdown and with human well-being under severe stress, this paper presents The Lions' Gate-an in-development, urban, interactive permaculture project on-campus in Edinburgh, Scotland. We arg... Read More about The Lions' Gate: Towards a Permaculture-inspired Blended Space.

Environmental sustainability and biodiversity within the dental practice. (2019)
Journal Article
Duane, B., Ramasubbu, D., Harford, S., Steinbach, I., Stancliffe, R., & Ballantyne, G. (2019). Environmental sustainability and biodiversity within the dental practice. British Dental Journal, 226(9), 701-705.

This paper forms part of a series of papers, seven in total, which have been requested by colleagues to help them as clinicians understand sustainability as it relates to dentistry. This paper focuses on biodiversity and how the dental team can becom... Read More about Environmental sustainability and biodiversity within the dental practice..

Data from: Routes to achieving sustainable intensification in simulated dairy farms - the importance of production efficiency and complimentary land uses (2019)
White, P., Lee, M., Roberts, D., & Cole, L. (2019). Data from: Routes to achieving sustainable intensification in simulated dairy farms - the importance of production efficiency and complimentary land uses. [Data].

Data underpinning: White, P. J. C., Lee, M. A., Roberts, D. J., & Cole, L. J. (2019). Routes to achieving sustainable intensification in simulated dairy farms: The importance of production efficiency and complimentary land uses. Journal of Applied Ec... Read More about Data from: Routes to achieving sustainable intensification in simulated dairy farms - the importance of production efficiency and complimentary land uses.

Visitor Perceptions of Captive, Endangered Barbary Macaques (Macaca sylvanus) Used as Photo Props in Jemaa El Fna Square, Marrakech, Morocco (2018)
Journal Article
Stazaker, K., & Mackinnon, J. (2018). Visitor Perceptions of Captive, Endangered Barbary Macaques (Macaca sylvanus) Used as Photo Props in Jemaa El Fna Square, Marrakech, Morocco. Anthrozoös, 31(6), 761-776.

15 Visitors to Jemaa El Fna Square can pay to have their photograph taken with Barbary 16 macaques. Our aim was to characterise visitors' perceptions of such photo props, 17 enabling demand-reducing interventions to be targeted appropriately and dest... Read More about Visitor Perceptions of Captive, Endangered Barbary Macaques (Macaca sylvanus) Used as Photo Props in Jemaa El Fna Square, Marrakech, Morocco.

Morphology and molecular systematic of marine gregarines (Apicomplexa) from Southwestern Atlantic spionid polychaetes (2018)
Journal Article
Rueckert, S., Glasinovich, N., Diez, M., Cremonte, F., & Vázquez, N. (2018). Morphology and molecular systematic of marine gregarines (Apicomplexa) from Southwestern Atlantic spionid polychaetes. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 159, 49-60.

Gregarines are a common group of parasites that infect the intestines of marine invertebrates, and particularly polychaetes. Here, we describe for the first time four gregarine species that inhabit the intestines of three spionid species: Dipolydora... Read More about Morphology and molecular systematic of marine gregarines (Apicomplexa) from Southwestern Atlantic spionid polychaetes.