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Why flower visitation is a poor proxy for pollination: measuring single-visit pollen deposition, with implications for pollination networks and conservation (2013)
Journal Article
King, C., Ballantyne, G., & Willmer, P. G. (2013). Why flower visitation is a poor proxy for pollination: measuring single-visit pollen deposition, with implications for pollination networks and conservation. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 4(9), 811-818.

The relative importance of specialized and generalized plant-pollinator relationships is contentious, yet analyses usually avoid direct measures of pollinator quality (effectiveness), citing difficulties in collecting such data in the field... Read More about Why flower visitation is a poor proxy for pollination: measuring single-visit pollen deposition, with implications for pollination networks and conservation.

Phytoplankton and bacterial distribution and productivity on and around Jones Bank in the Celtic Sea (2013)
Journal Article
Davidson, K., Gilpin, L. C., Pete, R., Brennan, D., McNeill, S., Moschonas, G., & Sharples, J. (2013). Phytoplankton and bacterial distribution and productivity on and around Jones Bank in the Celtic Sea. Progress in Oceanography, 117, 48-63.

The abundance and productivity of phytoplankton and bacterioplankton in the region of Jones Bank (Cel-tic Sea) were assessed in relation to potential physical and chemical drivers of the marine microbial community during July 2008 on RRS James Cook c... Read More about Phytoplankton and bacterial distribution and productivity on and around Jones Bank in the Celtic Sea.