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Using stable isotopes to assess the distribution of reproduction by migratory and resident Salmo trutta within river systems: some complicating factors (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Briers, R., Campbell, R., Galt, K., Walters, M., & Holmes, J. (2015, October). Using stable isotopes to assess the distribution of reproduction by migratory and resident Salmo trutta within river systems: some complicating factors. Presented at Second International Sea Trout Symposium

Understanding the distribution of spawning resident and migratory trout in a river system is important for fishery management. In most cases this information is lacking or only partial, and mostly derived from surveys of breeding adults. Stable isoto... Read More about Using stable isotopes to assess the distribution of reproduction by migratory and resident Salmo trutta within river systems: some complicating factors.