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Estimating mechanical properties of clear wood from ten‐year‐old Melia azedarach trees using the stress wave method (2021)
Journal Article
Van Duong, D., & Ridley-Ellis, D. (2021). Estimating mechanical properties of clear wood from ten‐year‐old Melia azedarach trees using the stress wave method. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 79(4), 941-949.

The objective of this study was to examine the potential of stress wave velocity (SWV) as a rapid and non-destructive method to estimate the mechanical properties of Melia azedarach wood. The SWV, dynamic modulus of elasticity (MOE d), modulus of ela... Read More about Estimating mechanical properties of clear wood from ten‐year‐old Melia azedarach trees using the stress wave method.