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Outputs (4)

Evaluation of an intervention to promote walking during the commute to work: a cluster randomised controlled trial (2019)
Journal Article
Audrey, S., Fisher, H., Cooper, A., Gaunt, D., Garfield, K., Metcalfe, C., Hollingworth, W., Gillison, F., Gabe-Walters, M., Rodgers, S., Davis, A. L., Insall, P., & Procter, S. (2019). Evaluation of an intervention to promote walking during the commute to work: a cluster randomised controlled trial. BMC Public Health, 19(1), Article 427.

Background: Opportunities for working adults to accumulate recommended physical activity levels (at least 150min of moderate intensity physical activity in bouts of at least 10 min throughout the week) may include the commute to work. Systematic revi... Read More about Evaluation of an intervention to promote walking during the commute to work: a cluster randomised controlled trial.

Pedestrian crashes at priority controlled junctions, roundabouts and signalised junctions: The UK case study (2019)
Journal Article
Downey, L., Saleh, W., Muley, D., & Kharbeche, M. (2019). Pedestrian crashes at priority controlled junctions, roundabouts and signalised junctions: The UK case study. Traffic Injury Prevention, 20(3), 308-313.

Objectives: Over half of pedestrians killed and seriously injured in Great Britain in 2015 were involved in crashes at junctions. This study investigates the nature of these crashes.
Methods: A study was conducted into pedestrian casualty crashes at... Read More about Pedestrian crashes at priority controlled junctions, roundabouts and signalised junctions: The UK case study.

Swedish and Scottish National Transport Policy and Spend: a Social Equity Analysis (2019)
Journal Article
Rye, T., & Wretstrand, A. (2019). Swedish and Scottish National Transport Policy and Spend: a Social Equity Analysis. Sustainability, 11(7), 1-16.

(Article in Special Issue "Accessibility and Transportation Equity")

The topic of social equity in transport planning has been dealt with, in particular, by authors such as Martens (2012) and Martens and Golob (2012) using a social justice based-a... Read More about Swedish and Scottish National Transport Policy and Spend: a Social Equity Analysis.

How commuting affects subjective wellbeing (2019)
Journal Article
Clark, B., Chatterjee, K., Martin, A., & Davis, A. (2020). How commuting affects subjective wellbeing. Transportation, 47, 2777–2805.

Commuting between home and work is routinely performed by workers and any wellbeing impacts of commuting will consequently affect a large proportion of the population. This paper presents findings from analyses of the impact of commuting (time and mo... Read More about How commuting affects subjective wellbeing.