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A public health approach to assessing road safety equity - The Rose cycle (2019)
Book Chapter
Pilkington, P., & Davis, A. (2019). A public health approach to assessing road safety equity - The Rose cycle. In K. Lucas, & K. Mertens (Eds.), Measuring Transport Equity (159-170). Elsevier.

This chapter explores challenges with assessing equity with regards to road traffic collisions (RTCs). The authors propose an approach that seeks to address not only injury outcomes, but also other equity issues, which is a fairer method of evaluatin... Read More about A public health approach to assessing road safety equity - The Rose cycle.

Evaluation of an intervention to promote walking during the commute to work: a cluster randomised controlled trial (2019)
Journal Article
Audrey, S., Fisher, H., Cooper, A., Gaunt, D., Garfield, K., Metcalfe, C., Hollingworth, W., Gillison, F., Gabe-Walters, M., Rodgers, S., Davis, A. L., Insall, P., & Procter, S. (2019). Evaluation of an intervention to promote walking during the commute to work: a cluster randomised controlled trial. BMC Public Health, 19(1), Article 427.

Background: Opportunities for working adults to accumulate recommended physical activity levels (at least 150min of moderate intensity physical activity in bouts of at least 10 min throughout the week) may include the commute to work. Systematic revi... Read More about Evaluation of an intervention to promote walking during the commute to work: a cluster randomised controlled trial.

How commuting affects subjective wellbeing (2019)
Journal Article
Clark, B., Chatterjee, K., Martin, A., & Davis, A. (2020). How commuting affects subjective wellbeing. Transportation, 47, 2777–2805.

Commuting between home and work is routinely performed by workers and any wellbeing impacts of commuting will consequently affect a large proportion of the population. This paper presents findings from analyses of the impact of commuting (time and mo... Read More about How commuting affects subjective wellbeing.