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Outputs (4)

The festival industry and gender inequality: the case of Edinburgh, the world's leading festival city (2024)
Journal Article
Piccio, B., Todd, L., & Robertson, M. (2024). The festival industry and gender inequality: the case of Edinburgh, the world's leading festival city. Tourism Management Perspectives, 54, Article 101317.

This paper explores issues women face in achieving leadership positions in the festivals sector, and their experiences of gender inequality. The setting is Edinburgh, the UK's leading festivals' tourism destination. Underpinned by feminist research,... Read More about The festival industry and gender inequality: the case of Edinburgh, the world's leading festival city.

A critical review of the efficacy of the UN SDGs as conduits for collaboration in business tourism provision. Case Study Edinburgh & Melbourne (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Robertson, M., Pyke, J., & Drake, C. (2023, February). A critical review of the efficacy of the UN SDGs as conduits for collaboration in business tourism provision. Case Study Edinburgh & Melbourne. Presented at 33rd Annual Conference of the Council for Australasian Universities Tourism and Hospitality Education, Fremantle, Western Australia

Business events can support the needs of access, equality, and learning for work and social inclusion, and determine a greater range of benefits than had been previously considered (Edwards, Foley, & Schlenker, 2011; Foley, Edwards, & Schlenker, 2014... Read More about A critical review of the efficacy of the UN SDGs as conduits for collaboration in business tourism provision. Case Study Edinburgh & Melbourne.

Guest editorial: Special issue introduction repurposing and repositioning events: real, responsible and revolutionary futures (2023)
Journal Article
Abreu Novais, M., Ali-Knight, J., Holmes, K., Lockstone-Binney, L., Robertson, M., & Stewart, H. (2023). Guest editorial: Special issue introduction repurposing and repositioning events: real, responsible and revolutionary futures. International Journal of Event and Festival Management, 14(2), 137-140.

[Abstract unavailable.]

Visioning the future city - a discussion on the narrative of sustainability through events and festivals (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Robertson, M. (2015, July). Visioning the future city - a discussion on the narrative of sustainability through events and festivals. Paper presented at LSA 2015 Creating Leisure

This conceptual work discusses a visionary future of the city destination in which festival and events have a purposeful role in narrating sustainable development – a megatrend that infuses global society. It is a component of a larger work.
Approac... Read More about Visioning the future city - a discussion on the narrative of sustainability through events and festivals.