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Outputs (14)

“Here’s looking at you, kid.’’ From Big Brother to Big Brother: teenagers under surveillance (2012)
Book Chapter
Sambell, K. (2012). “Here’s looking at you, kid.’’ From Big Brother to Big Brother: teenagers under surveillance. In C. Ní Bhroin, & P. Kennon (Eds.), What do we tell the children? : critical essays on children's literature (182-195). Cambridge Scholars Publishing

This chapter discusses the ways in which the young adult author, Melvin Burgess, engages with the theme of surveillance. It will focus on his 2006 novel, Sara's Face, arguing that this novel critically explores dicsourses regarding teenage girls' re... Read More about “Here’s looking at you, kid.’’ From Big Brother to Big Brother: teenagers under surveillance.

‘This was really different!' Alternative perspectives on the student experience of assessment: alienation and engagement (2012)
Book Chapter
Sambell, K. (2012). ‘This was really different!' Alternative perspectives on the student experience of assessment: alienation and engagement. In I. Solomonides, . A. Reid, & P. Petocz (Eds.), Engaging with learning in higher education (185-208). Libri Publishing

This chapter focuses on students' experiences of engagement in the context of assessment. It explores one case study, which formed part of a university-wide attempt to promote Assessment of Learning (AfL), based on strong arguments in the research l... Read More about ‘This was really different!' Alternative perspectives on the student experience of assessment: alienation and engagement.

(Un)translatable queer? Or what is lost and can be found in translation... (2012)
Book Chapter
Kulpa, R., Mizielińska, J., & Stasinska, A. (2012). (Un)translatable queer? Or what is lost and can be found in translation... In S. Mesquita, M. K. Wiedlack, & K. Lasthofer (Eds.), Import - Export - Transport. Queer Theory, Queer Critique, and Activism in Motion (115-145). Zaglossus

Perhaps some of the most interesting recent developments in queer studies are those books criticizing the US American bias within the discipline (e.g., Hemmings 2007; Mizielinska 2010; Downing and Gillett 2011), and a move towards embracing “non-West... Read More about (Un)translatable queer? Or what is lost and can be found in translation....

Discussion Forums as an assessment Tool in Online Learning (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Mahoney, C. (2012, April). Discussion Forums as an assessment Tool in Online Learning. Presented at Academic Development Conference, Edinburgh

Mahoney, C. (2012, April). Discussion Forums as an assessment Tool in Online Learning. Presented at Academic Development Conference, Edinburgh.

Internships that make a difference. (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Caddell, M. (2012, March). Internships that make a difference. Presented at The Gathering 2012

Developing and Supporting the Curriculum : Curriculum: Directions, decisions and debate (2012)
Digital Artefact
Fotheringham, J., Strickland, K., & Aitchison, K. (2012). Developing and Supporting the Curriculum : Curriculum: Directions, decisions and debate. [Electronic document]

This paper provides an overview of the factors which may effect, stimulate or be the cause of curriculum changes in higher education in Scotland. This overview leads to a series of questions which could be used to encourage debate within and across i... Read More about Developing and Supporting the Curriculum : Curriculum: Directions, decisions and debate.