Il Global Road Management System (GRMS): un nuovo approccio per la manutenzione di una rete stradale.
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Colonna, P., Fonzone, A., & Sasso, S. (2002, December). Il Global Road Management System (GRMS): un nuovo approccio per la manutenzione di una rete stradale. Paper presented at XII Convegno Nazionale SIIV – Riqualificazione funzionale e sicurezza del sistema viario
Outputs (127)
Analysis of the interactions between road infrastructures and social-economic development. (2002)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Colonna, P., & Fonzone, A. (2002, December). Analysis of the interactions between road infrastructures and social-economic development. Paper presented at ACE 2002 - International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering
From pavement maintenance to territory enhancement: the global road management system (GRMS). (2002)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Colonna, P., Fioretti, G., Fonzone, A., & Sasso, S. (2002, December). From pavement maintenance to territory enhancement: the global road management system (GRMS). Paper presented at On Safe Roads in the XXI. Century
A review of vehicular emission models and driving cycles (2002)
Journal Article
Esteves-Booth, A., Muneer, T., Kubie, J., & Kirby, H. (2002). A review of vehicular emission models and driving cycles. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 216(8), 777-797. article reviews the latest and relevant work on both vehicular emission models and driving cycles. The three main types of emission models, namely emission factor models, average speed models and modal models, are covered. Each project is analys... Read More about A review of vehicular emission models and driving cycles.
Powder-coated Al-clad Windows: characteristics and performance. (2001)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Asif, M., Davidson, A., & Muneer, T. (2001, December). Powder-coated Al-clad Windows: characteristics and performance. Presented at Whole-life Performance of Facades '01Nor-Dan is the biggest windows manufacturing company in Norway and has been producing aluminium clad windows for the past 30 years. Over the last twenty years, powder coated aluminium has replaced the anodised aluminium to enhance the weathering and... Read More about Powder-coated Al-clad Windows: characteristics and performance..
Social economic factors influencing transport supply and demand: a conceptual framework and some evidences from statistical analysis. (2001)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Colonna, P., & Fonzone, A. (2001, December). Social economic factors influencing transport supply and demand: a conceptual framework and some evidences from statistical analysis. Paper presented at AIPCR and IRC International Seminar on Sustainable Development in Road Transport
Mobilità e infrastrutture di trasporto: verso uno sviluppo come promozione delle opportunità.
Preprint / Working Paper
Colonna, P., & Fonzone, A. Mobilità e infrastrutture di trasporto: verso uno sviluppo come promozione delle opportunità. Durban, South Africa