An innovative interpretation of reliability as an expression of the expected road service quality.
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Colonna, P., Berloco, N., & Fonzone, A. (2007, December). An innovative interpretation of reliability as an expression of the expected road service quality. Paper presented at 3rd International Symposium on Transportation Network Reliability
Outputs (3)
Use of radar devices in road traffic surveys (2007)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Colonna, P., Guaragnella, C., Ranieri, V., & Fonzone, A. (2007, September). Use of radar devices in road traffic surveys. Presented at 4th SIIV International Congress "Advances in Transport Infrastructures and stakeholders expectations", Palermo, ItalyThe Department of Roads and Transportation of Polytechnic University of Bari owns CW radar devices for road traffic surveys. The radars can be used to measure traffic volumes and vehicle lengths and speeds. Radar’s manual suggests to refer to measure... Read More about Use of radar devices in road traffic surveys.
The insolation on vertical surface having different directions in the Kingdom of Bahrain (2007)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Muneer, T., Alnaser, W. E., & Fairooz, F. The insolation on vertical surface having different directions in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Presented at The Ninth Arab International Conference on Solar Energy (AICSE-9), Kingdom of BahrainThe daily total global (HT) and diffuse (HDIF) solar radiation, measured at Bahrain International Airport, Kingdom of Bahrain, (latitude 26° 13″N and longitude 50° 39″E), had been recorded, analyzed, and studied. The mean hourly values of HT and HDIF... Read More about The insolation on vertical surface having different directions in the Kingdom of Bahrain.