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Outputs (7)

Ferlavirus-related deaths in a collection of viperid snakes (2018)
Journal Article
Flach, E. J., Dagleish, M. P., Feltrer, Y., Gill, I. S., Marschang, R. E., Masters, N., Orós, J., Pocknell, A., Rendle, M. E., Strike, T., Tapley, B., & Wheelhouse, N. M. (2018). Ferlavirus-related deaths in a collection of viperid snakes. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 49(4), 983-995.

Between June and October 2013 26 snakes of six viperid species kept in two adjoining rooms died (n = 16) or were euthanized on medical (1) or welfare grounds (9). Two were from the main zoo collection, but the other 24 had been imported and quarantin... Read More about Ferlavirus-related deaths in a collection of viperid snakes.

Midwifery continuity of carer: Developing a realist evaluation framework to evaluate the implementation of strategic change in Scotland (2018)
Journal Article
McInnes, R. J., Martin, C. J. H., & MacArthur, J. (2018). Midwifery continuity of carer: Developing a realist evaluation framework to evaluate the implementation of strategic change in Scotland. Midwifery, 66, 103-110.

Midwifery continuity of carer (MCC) models result in better clinical outcomes for women and offer midwives a superior way of working when compared to other models of maternity care. Implementing a MCC model, a key recommendation of the Scottish Gover... Read More about Midwifery continuity of carer: Developing a realist evaluation framework to evaluate the implementation of strategic change in Scotland.

PTSD post-childbirth: a systematic review of women’s and midwives’ subjective experiences of care provider interaction (2018)
Journal Article
Patterson, J., Hollins Martin, C., & Karatzias, T. (2019). PTSD post-childbirth: a systematic review of women’s and midwives’ subjective experiences of care provider interaction. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 37(1), 56-83.

Objective: To review primary research from within the literature regarding PTSD Post-Childbirth (PTSD-PC), that focussed on Quality of Provider Interaction (QPI) from either the perspective of women who have developed PTSD-PC, or midwives.
Backgroun... Read More about PTSD post-childbirth: a systematic review of women’s and midwives’ subjective experiences of care provider interaction.

Urinary specific gravity as an alternative for the normalisation of endocrine metabolite concentrations in giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) reproductive monitoring (2018)
Journal Article
Wauters, J., Wilson, K. S., Bouts, T., Valentine, I., Vanderschueren, K., Ververs, C., Howie, A. F., Rae, M. T., Van Soom, A., Li, R., Li, D., Zhang, H., & Vanhaecke, L. (2018). Urinary specific gravity as an alternative for the normalisation of endocrine metabolite concentrations in giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) reproductive monitoring. PLOS ONE, 13(7), Article e0201420.

Reproductive monitoring for captive breeding in giant pandas is based on behavioural observation and non-invasive hormone analysis. In urine, interpretation of results requires normalisation due to an animal’s changing hydration. Correction of urinar... Read More about Urinary specific gravity as an alternative for the normalisation of endocrine metabolite concentrations in giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) reproductive monitoring.

Probiotics And Their Effect On Maternal and Neonatal Health (2018)
Book Chapter
Hollins Martin, C., & Martin, C. (2018). Probiotics And Their Effect On Maternal and Neonatal Health. In C. R. Martin, & D. Larkin (Eds.), Probiotics in Mental Health (42-54). (1). CRC Press

Probiotics are living microorganisms which when dispensed in sufficient quantities are claimed to bestow benefits in terms of health on the host. The World Health Organization defines a probiotic as any living microorganism that produces a health ben... Read More about Probiotics And Their Effect On Maternal and Neonatal Health.

Construct and content validity of the Turkish Birth Satisfaction Scale – Revised (T-BSS-R) (2018)
Journal Article
Serhatlıoğlu, S. G., Karahan, N., Hollins Martin, C. J., & Martin, C. R. (2018). Construct and content validity of the Turkish Birth Satisfaction Scale – Revised (T-BSS-R). Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 36(3), 235-245.

Background: The Birth Satisfaction Scale – Revised (BSS-R) is a valid and reliable scale designed to assess women’s experiences of labour and childbirth.
Objective: To assess factor structure, validity, and reliability of the Turkish Birth Satisfac... Read More about Construct and content validity of the Turkish Birth Satisfaction Scale – Revised (T-BSS-R).

Pelvic Chlamydial Infection Predisposes to Ectopic Pregnancy by Upregulating Integrin β1 to Promote Embryo-tubal Attachment (2018)
Journal Article
Ahmad, S. F., Brown, J. K., Campbell, L. L., Koscielniak, M., Oliver, C., Wheelhouse, N., Entrican, G., McFee, S., Wills, G. S., McClure, M. O., Horner, P. J., Gaikoumelou, S., Lee, K. F., Critchley, H. O., Duncan, W. C., & Horne, A. W. (2018). Pelvic Chlamydial Infection Predisposes to Ectopic Pregnancy by Upregulating Integrin β1 to Promote Embryo-tubal Attachment. EBioMedicine, 29, 159-165.

Tubal ectopic pregnancies are a leading cause of global maternal morbidity and mortality. Previous infection with Chlamydia trachomatis is a major risk factor for tubal embryo implantation but the biological mechanism behind this association is uncle... Read More about Pelvic Chlamydial Infection Predisposes to Ectopic Pregnancy by Upregulating Integrin β1 to Promote Embryo-tubal Attachment.