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Bilingualism: The foreign language effect does not extend to rational decision making (2020)
Journal Article
Curley, L., Carruthers, L., & Piotrowska, B. (2020). Bilingualism: The foreign language effect does not extend to rational decision making. Journal of Articles in Support of the Null Hypothesis, 17(1),

This research investigated if the foreign language effect extended to rationality. Four groups (English speaking monolingual group; Polish speaking monolingual group; Bilingual Polish group who were presented with decision task in English; Bilingual... Read More about Bilingualism: The foreign language effect does not extend to rational decision making.

Visual-spatial-motor integration in a cross-section of primary-aged children: implications for assessing risk of Dyslexia (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Piotrowska, B., Willis, A., MacLean, R., Murray, J., & Kerridge, J. (2015, August). Visual-spatial-motor integration in a cross-section of primary-aged children: implications for assessing risk of Dyslexia. Presented at European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP) 2015

Dyslexia is a common condition characterized by difficulties with reading and writing despite adequate intelligence, education and motivation. Many individuals with dyslexia also have problems integrating visual information over space and time, and /... Read More about Visual-spatial-motor integration in a cross-section of primary-aged children: implications for assessing risk of Dyslexia.