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Outputs (14)

Four Steps to Clean Hospitals: Look; Plan; Clean; and Dry (2018)
Journal Article
Dancer, S. J., & Kramer, A. (2019). Four Steps to Clean Hospitals: Look; Plan; Clean; and Dry. Journal of Hospital Infection, 103(1), e1-e8.

Now that cleaning and decontamination are recognised as integral to infection control, it is timely to examine the process in more detail. This is because cleaning practices vary widely within healthcare districts and it is likely that bo... Read More about Four Steps to Clean Hospitals: Look; Plan; Clean; and Dry.

Revisions to the Classification, Nomenclature, and Diversity of Eukaryotes (2018)
Journal Article
Adl, S. M., Bass, D., Lane, C. E., Lukeš, J., Schoch, C. L., Smirnov, A., Agatha, S., Berney, C., Brown, M. W., Burki, F., Cárdenas, P., Čepička, I., Chistyakova, L., del Campo, J., Dunthorn, M., Edvardsen, B., Eglit, Y., Guillou, L., Hampl, V., Heiss, A. A., …Zhang, Q. (2019). Revisions to the Classification, Nomenclature, and Diversity of Eukaryotes. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, 66(1), 4-119.

This revision of the classification of eukaryotes follows that of Adl et al., 2012 [J. Euk. Microbiol. 59(5)] and retains an emphasis on protists. Changes since have improved the resolution of many nodes in phylogenetic analyses. For some clades even... Read More about Revisions to the Classification, Nomenclature, and Diversity of Eukaryotes.

Land use driven change in soil pH affects microbial carbon cycling processes (2018)
Journal Article
Malik, A. A., Puissant, J., Buckeridge, K. M., Goodall, T., Jehmlich, N., Chowdhury, S., Gweon, H. S., Peyton, J. M., Mason, K. E., van Agtmaal, M., Blaud, A., Clark, I. M., Whitaker, J., Pywell, R. F., Ostle, N., Gleixner, G., & Griffiths, R. I. (2018). Land use driven change in soil pH affects microbial carbon cycling processes. Nature Communications, 9(1), Article 3591.

Soil microorganisms act as gatekeepers for soil–atmosphere carbon exchange by balancing the accumulation and release of soil organic matter. However, poor understanding of the mechanisms responsible hinders the development of effective land managemen... Read More about Land use driven change in soil pH affects microbial carbon cycling processes.

Analysing the effect of dietary prebiotics and probiotics on gut bacterial richness and diversity of Asian snakehead fingerlings using T-RFLP method (2018)
Journal Article
Munir, M. B., Marsh, T. L., Blaud, A., Hashim, R., Janti Anak Joshua, W., & Mohd Nor, S. A. (2018). Analysing the effect of dietary prebiotics and probiotics on gut bacterial richness and diversity of Asian snakehead fingerlings using T-RFLP method. Aquaculture Research, 49(10), 3350-3361.

This study was designed to evaluate the effects of three prebiotics (β‐glucan, galacto‐oligosaccharide [GOS], mannan‐oligosaccharide [MOS]) and two probiotics (Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Lactobacillus acidophilus) on the microbiome of snakehead during... Read More about Analysing the effect of dietary prebiotics and probiotics on gut bacterial richness and diversity of Asian snakehead fingerlings using T-RFLP method.

Sources and survival of Listeria monocytogenes on fresh, leafy produce (2018)
Journal Article
on fresh, leafy produce. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 125(4), 930-942.

Listeria monocytogenes in an intracellular human pathogen which enters the body through contaminated food stuffs and is known to contaminate fresh leafy produce such as spinach, lettuce and rocket. Routinely, fresh leafy produce is grown and processe... Read More about Sources and survival of Listeria monocytogenes on fresh, leafy produce.

Beware Biofilm! Dry biofilms containing bacterial pathogens on multiple healthcare surfaces; a multicentre study (2018)
Journal Article
Ledwoch, K., Dancer, S., Otter, J., Kerr, K., Roposte, D., Rushton, L., Weiser, R., Mahenthiralingam, E., Muir, D., & Maillard, J.-Y. (2018). Beware Biofilm! Dry biofilms containing bacterial pathogens on multiple healthcare surfaces; a multicentre study. Journal of Hospital Infection,

Wet biofilms associated with medical devices have been widely studied and their link with healthcare-associated infections (HCAIs) is well recognized. Little attention has been paid to the presence of dry biofilms on environmental surface... Read More about Beware Biofilm! Dry biofilms containing bacterial pathogens on multiple healthcare surfaces; a multicentre study.

Estimating excess length of stay due to healthcare-associated infections: A systematic review and meta-analysis of statistical methodology (2018)
Journal Article
Manoukian, S., Stewart, S., Dancer, S., Graves, N., Mason, H., McFarland, A., Robertson, C., & Reilly, J. (2018). Estimating excess length of stay due to healthcare-associated infections: A systematic review and meta-analysis of statistical methodology. Journal of Hospital Infection,

Healthcare-associated infection (HAI) affects millions of patients worldwide. HAI is associated with increased healthcare costs, owing primarily to increased hospital length of stay (LOS) but calculating these costs is complicated due to... Read More about Estimating excess length of stay due to healthcare-associated infections: A systematic review and meta-analysis of statistical methodology.

Consistent patterns of high alpha and low beta diversity in tropical parasitic and free-living protists (2018)
Journal Article
Lentendu, G., Mahé, F., Bass, D., Rueckert, S., Stoeck, T., & Dunthorn, M. (2018). Consistent patterns of high alpha and low beta diversity in tropical parasitic and free-living protists. Molecular Ecology, 27(13), 2846-2857.

Tropical animals and plants are known to have high alpha diversity within forests, but low beta diversity between forests. By contrast, it is unknown if microbes inhabiting the same ecosystems exhibit similar biogeographic patterns. To evaluate the b... Read More about Consistent patterns of high alpha and low beta diversity in tropical parasitic and free-living protists.

Is there an association between airborne and surface microbes in the critical care environment? (2018)
Journal Article
Smith, J., Adams, C., King, M., Noakes, C., Robertson, C., & Dancer, S. (2018). Is there an association between airborne and surface microbes in the critical care environment?. Journal of Hospital Infection,

There are few data and no accepted standards for air quality in the intensive care unit (ICU). Any relationship between airborne pathogens and hospital-acquired infection (HAI) risk in the ICU remains unknown.
First, to correlate en... Read More about Is there an association between airborne and surface microbes in the critical care environment?.

Quantifying the relative effect of environmental contamination on surgical ward MRSA incidence: An exploratory analysis (2018)
Journal Article
Lee, X. J., Pettitt, A. N., & Dancer, S. J. (2018). Quantifying the relative effect of environmental contamination on surgical ward MRSA incidence: An exploratory analysis. Infection, Disease & Health,

Background: To investigate and quantify the contribution of environmental contamination towards methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) incidence observed in a hospital ward using stochastic modelling. Methods: A non-homogeneous Poisson pr... Read More about Quantifying the relative effect of environmental contamination on surgical ward MRSA incidence: An exploratory analysis.

Spatial zoning of microbial functions and plant-soil nitrogen dynamics across a riparian area in an extensively grazed livestock system (2018)
Journal Article
de Sosa, L. L., Glanville, H. C., Marshall, M. R., Williams, A. P., Abadie, M., Clark, I. M., Blaud, A., & Jones, D. L. (2018). Spatial zoning of microbial functions and plant-soil nitrogen dynamics across a riparian area in an extensively grazed livestock system. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 120, 153-164.

Anthropogenic activities have significantly altered global biogeochemical nitrogen (N) cycling leading to major environmental problems such as freshwater eutrophication, biodiversity loss and enhanced greenhouse gas emissions. The soils in the ripari... Read More about Spatial zoning of microbial functions and plant-soil nitrogen dynamics across a riparian area in an extensively grazed livestock system.

How Does a Photocatalytic Antimicrobial Coating Affect Environmental Bioburden in Hospitals? (2018)
Journal Article
Reid, M., Whatley, V., Spooner, E., Nevill, A. M., Cooper, M., Ramsden, J. J., & Dancer, S. J. (2018). How Does a Photocatalytic Antimicrobial Coating Affect Environmental Bioburden in Hospitals?. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, 39(4), 398-404.

BACKGROUND The healthcare environment is recognized as a source for healthcare-acquired infection. Because cleaning practices are often erratic and always intermittent, we hypothesize that continuously antimicrobial surfaces offer superior control of... Read More about How Does a Photocatalytic Antimicrobial Coating Affect Environmental Bioburden in Hospitals?.

Rubber plantation ageing controls soil biodiversity after land conversion from cassava (2018)
Journal Article
Peerawat, M., Blaud, A., Trap, J., Chevallier, T., Alonso, P., Gay, F., Thaler, P., Spor, A., Sebag, D., Choosai, C., Suvannang, N., Sajjaphan, K., & Brauman, A. (2018). Rubber plantation ageing controls soil biodiversity after land conversion from cassava. Agriculture, ecosystems & environment, 257, 92-102.

The rapid expansion of perennial crops is a major threat to biodiversity in Southeast Asia. The biodiversity losses related to the conversion of forest lands to oil palm or rubber plantations (RP) are well documented by recent studies. However, the i... Read More about Rubber plantation ageing controls soil biodiversity after land conversion from cassava.