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Outputs (7)

Feminist Activist Ethnography and the Development of Midwifery Identity in Student Midwives (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
McHugh, N., & Mcluckie, C. (2018, September). Feminist Activist Ethnography and the Development of Midwifery Identity in Student Midwives. Paper presented at Association of Social Anthropologists of the UK, Oxford

We have used feminist activist ethnography as a framework for student midwives to explore women's birth narratives and identify issues that arise in contemporary childbirth in Scotland.

By positioning women at the heart of the students experiences... Read More about Feminist Activist Ethnography and the Development of Midwifery Identity in Student Midwives.

Floors, ceilings and cellars: Midwives, the NMC and 'the code' (2018)
Book Chapter
Mander, R., McHugh, N., Murphy-Lawless, J., Patterson, J., & Edwards, N. (2018). Floors, ceilings and cellars: Midwives, the NMC and 'the code'. In N. Edwards, R. Mander, & J. Murphy-Lawless (Eds.), Untangling the Maternity Crisis (40-48). Routledge

The BPG Survey: Fear (2018)
Book Chapter
Mander, R., McHugh, N., Murphy-Lawless, J., Patterson, J., & Edwards, N. (2018). The BPG Survey: Fear. In N. Edwards, R. Mander, & J. Murphy-Lawless (Eds.), Untangling the Maternity Crisis (31-38). Routledge

Mander, R and the Birth Project Group
In: Edwards, N.; Mander, R. & Murphy-Lawless, J. (Eds.)

Telling the Tales and Stirring the Tea (2004)
Book Chapter
McHugh, N. (2004). Telling the Tales and Stirring the Tea. In S. Wickham (Ed.), Midwifery Best Practice (87-93). Books for Midwives

The impact of storytelling in midwifery and childbirth.