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Outputs (6)

Collaborative talent management in public services: evaluating the drivers, barriers and enablers (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Grant, K., Mackie, R., Gadsden, S., & McLaughlin, D. (2017, December). Collaborative talent management in public services: evaluating the drivers, barriers and enablers. Paper presented at CIPD Applied Research Conference

Against a background of significant public service reform and growing acceptance of the need for increased collaborative activity within Scotland’s public services, our research examines senior stakeholders’ perceptions of the drivers for, barriers t... Read More about Collaborative talent management in public services: evaluating the drivers, barriers and enablers.

Opening the black box: A JD-R evaluation of job stress, fatigue and boredom among commercial airline pilots (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Grant, K., & Maxwell, G. (2017, November). Opening the black box: A JD-R evaluation of job stress, fatigue and boredom among commercial airline pilots. Paper presented at 10th International Conference of the Dutch HRM Network

The job demands-resources (JD-R) model is utilised to evaluate the interactions between the job demands and job resources of commercial airline pilots in the UK. The model holds that interaction between specific job demands and job resources contribu... Read More about Opening the black box: A JD-R evaluation of job stress, fatigue and boredom among commercial airline pilots.

How does the Beer Distribution Game help us to understand Humanitarian Supply Chains (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Duddy, D., Weaver, M., & Stantchev, D. (2017, September). How does the Beer Distribution Game help us to understand Humanitarian Supply Chains. Paper presented at Annual Conference of The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport, Logistics Research Network (LRN)

This research develops a model similar to that used in Forrester’s ‘Beer Distribution Game’ to understand where uncertainty is generated in humanitarian supply chains. It examines the extent to which the Bullwhip Effect impacts upon a humani... Read More about How does the Beer Distribution Game help us to understand Humanitarian Supply Chains.

A Comparative Study of Transitional Support: Identifying Best Practice (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Marr, S., & Meharg, D. (2017, June). A Comparative Study of Transitional Support: Identifying Best Practice. Presented at 3rd International Enhancement in Higher Education Conference, Glasgow, Scotland

This study shares the findings of a comparative case study, examining support for students transitioning from further education institutes (FEIs) to advanced entry in university. This case study compares transition support in two different subject ar... Read More about A Comparative Study of Transitional Support: Identifying Best Practice.

STEM academic perceptions of masters dissertation projects: proceedings of a conference (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Atkins, E., Allford, R., & Maclean, S. (2017, June). STEM academic perceptions of masters dissertation projects: proceedings of a conference. Paper presented at 3rd International Enhancement Themes Conference: Inspiring Excellence, transforming the student experience, Glasgow

Atkins, E., Allford, R., and Maclean, S. (2017), STEM academic perceptions of masters dissertation projects: proceedings of a conference, 3rd International Enhancement Themes Conference: Inspiring Excellence, transforming the student experience (2017... Read More about STEM academic perceptions of masters dissertation projects: proceedings of a conference.

Applications of “Systems Thinking” to co-create business-community value (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Weaver, M. (2017, March). Applications of “Systems Thinking” to co-create business-community value. Presented at Applications of Systems Thinking

How systems approaches have helped identify better ways for communities and socially responsible businesses to build value.