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Outputs (3)

Exploring strategic agency in sustainability-oriented entrepreneur legitimation (2017)
Journal Article
Reynolds, O., Sheehan, M., & Hilliard, R. (2017). Exploring strategic agency in sustainability-oriented entrepreneur legitimation. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research,

Purpose– This exploratory paper focuses on the role played by three archetypal constructs pertaining to the individual sustainability-oriented entrepreneur, namely prior knowledge, sustainability orientation and sustainability intention, in legitimat... Read More about Exploring strategic agency in sustainability-oriented entrepreneur legitimation.

‘My People’: the potential of LGBT employee networks in reducing stigmatization and providing voice (2017)
Journal Article
McFadden, C., & Crowley-Henry, M. (2017). ‘My People’: the potential of LGBT employee networks in reducing stigmatization and providing voice. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 29(5), 1056-1081.

This paper explores the separation and isolation from the mainstream workforce that lesbian, gay, and bisexual employees can experience due to their sexual orientation, and how this can affect their voice and silence in the workplace. In response to... Read More about ‘My People’: the potential of LGBT employee networks in reducing stigmatization and providing voice.

Confusion and collectivism in the ICT sector: Is FLOSS the answer? (2017)
Journal Article
Marks, A., Chillas, S., Galloway, L., & Maclean, G. (2020). Confusion and collectivism in the ICT sector: Is FLOSS the answer?. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 41(1), 167-188.

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) workers rarely join trade unions. This is usually explained by the individualised nature of work. We examine broader forms of collectivism for these workers, drawing on survey and interview data. Our fo... Read More about Confusion and collectivism in the ICT sector: Is FLOSS the answer?.