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Outputs (4)

Place, values, process and benefits: accounting for the social and cultural future of festivals (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Leask, A., Rogers, P., & Robertson, M. (2008, September). Place, values, process and benefits: accounting for the social and cultural future of festivals. Presented at Attractions and Events as Catalysts for Regeneration and Social Change,

This paper presents outcomes from a project established at the Centre for Festival and Event Management (CFEM) at Napier University Business School.
This set out to advance the methodologies and knowledge base of socio-cultural festival evaluation a... Read More about Place, values, process and benefits: accounting for the social and cultural future of festivals.

Managing Visitor Attractions (2008)
Fyell, A., Garrod, B., Leask, A., & Wanhill, S. (Eds.). (2008). Managing Visitor Attractions. Elsevier

Visitor attractions represent a complex sector of the tourism industry and are the catalytic focus for the development of tourism infrastructure and services. As this area grows, there are still many questions to be answered and issues to be understo... Read More about Managing Visitor Attractions.