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Outputs (3)

In vivo in uterus non-invasive methods to predict placental insufficiency and adverse pregnancy outcomes in antiphospholipid syndrome (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Girardi, G., Fraser, J., Bertolaccini, M. L., Lennen, R., Vontell, R., & Hutchison, G. (2014, December). In vivo in uterus non-invasive methods to predict placental insufficiency and adverse pregnancy outcomes in antiphospholipid syndrome

Objectives: To use MRI-based methods to non invasively detect placental insufficiency and predict fetal outcomes in obstetric antiphospholipid syndrome (APS)
Methods and result: A) Ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide (USPIO) nanoparticles conjug... Read More about In vivo in uterus non-invasive methods to predict placental insufficiency and adverse pregnancy outcomes in antiphospholipid syndrome.

Stand-up comedy for researchers (2014)
Book Chapter
Ridley-Ellis, D. (2014). Stand-up comedy for researchers. In I. Daly, & A. Brophy Haney (Eds.), 53 interesting ways to communicate your research (57-58). The Professional and Higher Partnership Ltd

Effective researchers need both to conduct high-quality research and to communicate it - to subject specialists, researchers in other fields, research participants, business, government, the third sector, or the public, not to mention potential emplo... Read More about Stand-up comedy for researchers.

Design and Acoustic Performance of Building Constructions for Multi-Storey Housing: Compendium. (2014)
Book Chapter
Fausti, P., García, T. C., Ingelaere, B., Machimbarrena, M., Monteiro, C. R. A., Santoni, A., Secchi, S., & Smith, S. (2014). Design and Acoustic Performance of Building Constructions for Multi-Storey Housing: Compendium. In B. Rasmussen, & M. Machimbarrena (Eds.), COST Action TU0901 – Building acoustics throughout Europe. Volume 1: Towards a common framework in building acoustics throughout Europe (213-244). COST European Cooperation in Science and Technology

This chapter provides an overview of the range of construction types
found across Europe to meet various sound insulation requirements for separating (party) walls and floors. The typical construction system, material properties and key influencing... Read More about Design and Acoustic Performance of Building Constructions for Multi-Storey Housing: Compendium..