IStructE CPD Seminar: Structural Timber Engineering
Sep 20, 2016
Location Stirling Court Hotel – University of Stirling Description Timber is a versatile, natural, material with a wide range of properties. When properly understood, responsibly sourced, and produced through modern forestry and manufacturing processes it can provide technically capable, renewable and environmentally friendly construction products. Combining timber construction components appropriately through holistic design, informed detailing and quality-assured building practices will result in a highly energy efficient building fabric that provides user comfort.
Developments in offsite manufacture and modern methods of construction (MMC) mean that there is far more to offsite timber systems than conventional timber frame construction – such as solid laminate timber products including mechanical laminated systems (nail-lam or dowel-lam also known as Brettstapel); and bonded laminated systems including GluLam and cross-laminated timber (known as CrossLam, or CLT).
Timber material properties, grading techniques and ways of optimising selection.
Timber Connections Design theory to Eurocode 5, including a demonstration of how to undertake value engineering.
Timber products and systems including solid laminate timber systems, dowel-lam, nail-lam, and cross-laminated timber.
1430 Arrival, Refreshments
1500 Timber Material Properties
1530 Grading techniques and ways of optimising selection
1630 Break, Refreshments
1700 Timber Connections – Design theory to Eurocode 5
1800 Timber products and systems
1900 Close
This seminar will be delivered by expert speakers from the Institute for Sustainable Construction (ISC) at Edinburgh Napier University.People Dan Ridley-Ellis
Robert Hairstans
Andrew LivingstoneOrg Units School of Engineering and The Built Environment
School of Computing Engineering and the Built EnvironmentURL