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Outputs (165)

UK public library roles and value: a focus group analysis (2018)
Journal Article
Appleton, L., Hall, H., Duff, A., & Raeside, R. (2018). UK public library roles and value: a focus group analysis. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 50(3), 275-283

Findings from a study of the advantages and disadvantages accrued by individuals from their public library use, and the impact of this on citizenship at individual and community levels, are presented. The analysis of longitudinal focus group data col... Read More about UK public library roles and value: a focus group analysis.

Practices of community representatives in exploiting information channels for citizen democratic engagement (2018)
Journal Article
Hall, H., Cruickshank, P., & Ryan, B. (2019). Practices of community representatives in exploiting information channels for citizen democratic engagement. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 51(4), 950-961.

The purpose of the research was to investigate the practices of elected, yet unpaid, community councillors in Scotland as they exploit information channels for democratic engagement with citizens. Its focus is both novel and significant in that it co... Read More about Practices of community representatives in exploiting information channels for citizen democratic engagement.

Investigating the online and offline contexts of day-to-day democracy as participation spaces. (2018)
Journal Article
Taylor-Smith, E., & Smith, C. F. (2019). Investigating the online and offline contexts of day-to-day democracy as participation spaces. Information, Communication and Society, 22(13), 1853-1870.

Citizen-led participation in democracy is explored through studying the online and offline spaces where people work together to influence those in power and improve their communities. The concept of a participation space is introduced to describe the... Read More about Investigating the online and offline contexts of day-to-day democracy as participation spaces..

Social impact evaluations of digital youth work: tensions between vision and reality (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Pawluczuk, A., Smith, C., Webster, G., & Hall, H. (2018, March). Social impact evaluations of digital youth work: tensions between vision and reality. Paper presented at Transmedia Literacy International Conference

Purpose: This paper presents empirical research, which explores the ways digital youth workers perceive, and evaluate, the social impact of their work. There is currently a research gap with regard to the measurement of the social impact of digital y... Read More about Social impact evaluations of digital youth work: tensions between vision and reality.

Long-term community development within a researcher network: a social network analysis of the DREaM project cadre (2018)
Journal Article
Hall, H., Cruickshank, P., & Ryan, B. (2018). Long-term community development within a researcher network: a social network analysis of the DREaM project cadre. Journal of Documentation, 74(4), 844-861.

Purpose Results are reported from a study that investigated the extent to which an intervention to develop a community of library and information science researchers – the Developing Research Excellence and Methods (DREaM) project-was successful in m... Read More about Long-term community development within a researcher network: a social network analysis of the DREaM project cadre.

Exploring Information Literacy Through the Lens of Activity Theory (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hall, H., Cruickshank, P., & Ryan, B. (2017, September). Exploring Information Literacy Through the Lens of Activity Theory. Presented at European Conference on Information Literacy 2017, St Malo, France

Activity Theory (AT) is presented as a framework for explaining Information Literacy (IL) as a technologically mediated social practice. This is achieved in the context of a study conducted in 2016 on the information gathering and sharing activities... Read More about Exploring Information Literacy Through the Lens of Activity Theory.

News night - Interview (2017)
Digital Artefact
Duff, A. (2017). News night - Interview. [MOV clip]

No abstract available.

Brexit has started: so what should Remain Vote Scotland do to protect its interests? (2017)
Newspaper / Magazine
Blake, J. (2017). Brexit has started: so what should Remain Vote Scotland do to protect its interests?. Edinburgh, Scotland

This Scotsman newspaper article is based on research by James Blake - examining the impact of Brexit on the creative industries - and other reports from members of the RSE Young Academy Scotland. The article highlights the ongoing social and politica... Read More about Brexit has started: so what should Remain Vote Scotland do to protect its interests?.

Skills in Sight: How Social Media Affordances Increase Network Awareness (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Buunk, I., Hall, H., & Smith, C. (2017, September). Skills in Sight: How Social Media Affordances Increase Network Awareness. Presented at European Conference of Knowledge Management (ECKM)

The discussion in this paper derives from an analysis of data from twenty interviews conducted with members of an online knowledge sharing platform between October 2016 and February 2017. The empirical work is part of a larger doctoral study that inv... Read More about Skills in Sight: How Social Media Affordances Increase Network Awareness.

Defining the UK information worker: the CILIP-ARA Workforce Mapping Project (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hall, H. (2017, August). Defining the UK information worker: the CILIP-ARA Workforce Mapping Project. Presented at McMaster Library Symposium 2017, Hamilton, Canada

In 2014 the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) and the Archives and Records Association (ARA) made a call to commission a team to undertake a workforce mapping project. The purpose of this work was to enhance underst... Read More about Defining the UK information worker: the CILIP-ARA Workforce Mapping Project.

Research into social media information practices, and social media information practices for research (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hall, H. (2017, August). Research into social media information practices, and social media information practices for research. Presented at DeGroote Business School, McMaster University, research seminar series, Hamilton, Canada

The Centre for Social Informatics (CSI) at Edinburgh Napier University in Scotland has built a track record for its research into information behaviours and social media use. Early projects completed in the mid-noughties focused on the value of soci... Read More about Research into social media information practices, and social media information practices for research.

Getting the balance right: human rights in residual jurisdiction rules of English courts for cross-border torts via social media (2017)
Book Chapter
Gillies, L. E. (2017). Getting the balance right: human rights in residual jurisdiction rules of English courts for cross-border torts via social media. In D. Mangan, & L. E. Gillies (Eds.), The Legal Challenges of Social Media (249-269). Edward Elgar Publishing.

This chapter elects as its focus the need to balance human rights in English residual jurisdiction rules for cross-border torts via social media. Private international law applies a pluralist, pragmatic approach in supporting both the rights and inte... Read More about Getting the balance right: human rights in residual jurisdiction rules of English courts for cross-border torts via social media.

The Legal Challenges of Social Media (2017)
Mangan, D., & Gillies, L. E. (Eds.). (2017). The Legal Challenges of Social Media. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Social media enables instant access to individual self-expression and the sharing of information. Social media issues are boundless, permeating distinct legal disciplines. The law has struggled to adapt and for good reason: how does the law regulate... Read More about The Legal Challenges of Social Media.

Tacit knowledge sharing in online environments: locating “Ba” within a platform for public sector professionals (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Buunk, I., Hall, H., & Smith, C. (2017, June). Tacit knowledge sharing in online environments: locating “Ba” within a platform for public sector professionals. Paper presented at i3 - information, interactions and impact

Results from a survey undertaken by members of an online platform that incorporates social media features, and enables knowledge sharing amongst public sector professionals, are presented in this paper. The work responds to a call to enhance understa... Read More about Tacit knowledge sharing in online environments: locating “Ba” within a platform for public sector professionals.

Undermining our data: implications for trust in the population census (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Killick, L., Duff, A. S., Deakin, M., & Hall, H. (2017, June). Undermining our data: implications for trust in the population census. Paper presented at Information: interactions and impact (i3)

This paper draws on empirical work conducted as part of a multi-method research study funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC). It is concerned with public perceptions of an online population census and adds to prior work exploring... Read More about Undermining our data: implications for trust in the population census.

Demonstrating the impact of the public library on citizenship development in the UK: focus group findings (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Appleton, L., Duff, A., Hall, H., & Raeside, R. (2017, June). Demonstrating the impact of the public library on citizenship development in the UK: focus group findings. Paper presented at i3: information: interactions and impact

This paper presents the findings of a research project that seeks to understand how public libraries operate and demonstrate value and social impact. The research considers how the multi-functionality and social impact of public librari... Read More about Demonstrating the impact of the public library on citizenship development in the UK: focus group findings.

Perspectives, people and projects: social informatics research at Edinburgh Napier University. (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hall, H. (2017, March). Perspectives, people and projects: social informatics research at Edinburgh Napier University. Paper presented at LETCIC symposium

Invited presentation. More information can be found on Hazel's website -

Slides available at Read More about Perspectives, people and projects: social informatics research at Edinburgh Napier University..

Information literacy for democratic engagement (IL-DEM) (2017)
Hall, H., Cruickshank, P., & Ryan, B. (2017). Information literacy for democratic engagement (IL-DEM). Scotland: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals

Between October and December 2016 a team from the Centre for Social Informatics at Edinburgh Napier University investigated the information practices of community councillors in a research project funded by the Information Literacy Group of the Chart... Read More about Information literacy for democratic engagement (IL-DEM).