Lions' Gate Open Day
Sep 24, 2022
Location Lions' Gate Garden, Merchiston Campus Description Lions' Gate Garden free event as part of the Climate Fringe and the Great Big Green Week, supported by the Permaculture Association.
At 3.30pm influential, Emeritus Professor of Social Anthropology at Aberdeen University Tim Ingold, presented his latest work ‘Generation Now‘ from our Storytelling Chair.
Tim has made a huge impact on design philosophy, and was a favourite of Edinburgh Napier’s late, great Prof. David Benyon, whose own design work on Blended Spaces has fundamentally informed The Lions’ Gate.
Other wholesome and life-affirming activities of the day included:
Holistic Therapies by Emma J @ Blue Butterfly Therapies
Student exhibits from the School of Arts and Creative Industries
Campus-grown food
Cocktails and drinks
Music, including DJ Someone’s Dad and Blue Heron
Garden tours
All 100 Eventbrite tickets were used.
A blog post on the event is available here: Callum Egan Org Units School of Computing Engineering and the Built Environment URL
Events (7)
Centre for Social Informatics contribution to ASIST2017
Oct 27, 2017
Location Washington DC, USA Description Centre for Social Informatics PhD student Frances Ryan presented a poster at the 80th Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIST2017). This work, which Frances developed with the members of her supervision team (Hazel Hall, Peter Cruickshank, and Alistair Lawson), is entitled ‘Building identity in online environments: an Information Science perspective‘.
For further information please see: Alistair Lawson
Peter Cruickshank
Frances RyanOrg Units School of Computing
School of Computing Engineering and the Built EnvironmentURL
Centre for Social Informatics contribution to Ways of Being in a Digital Age conference
Oct 10, 2017
Location Liverpool Description Centre for Social Informatics PhD student Alicja Pawluczuk presented a paper entitled ‘Digital culture co-creation: capturing the social impact of small-scale community projects’ at the Ways of Being in a Digital Age conference in October 2017. The paper was co-authored with Alicja's PhD supervisors Dr Gemma Webster, Dr Colin Smith, and Professor Hazel Hall.
For further information please see: Gemma Webster
Colin SmithOrg Units School of Computing
School of Computing Engineering and the Built EnvironmentURL
Centre for Social Informatics contribution to ECIL
Sep 18, 2017
Location St Malo, France Description Dr Bruce Ryan presented the paper 'Exploring Information Literacy through the lens of Activity Theory' at the 5th European Conference on Information Literacy in St-Malo, France on Wednesday 20th September 2016. During the presentation Dr Ryan argued that Activity Theory is valuable in projects that investigate group information practices, and can contribute to the generation of findings that relate to existing Information Literacy models.
The full paper, which is co-authored with Peter Cruickshank and Professor Hazel Hall, will be published in due course by Springer in the ECIL conference proceedings as part of the Communications in Computer and Information Science series.
For further details please see: Peter Cruickshank
Bruce RyanOrg Units School of Computing
School of Computing Engineering and the Built EnvironmentURL
Centre for Social Informatics contribution to ECKM 2017
Sep 7, 2017
Location Barcelona, Spain Description Centre for Social Informatics PhD student Iris Buunk presented ‘Skills in sight: how social media affordances increase network awareness’ at the 18th European Conference on Knowledge Management in Barcelona at the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC).
This work, coauthored with Professor Hazel Hall and Dr Colin Smith, examines the extent to which social media afford new capabilities in the sharing of tacit knowledge.
For further details please see: Colin Smith Org Units School of Computing
School of Computing Engineering and the Built EnvironmentURL
Social Media and Society 2016
Jul 11, 2016
Location Goldsmiths College, London Description Ella Taylor-Smith presented the paper "Non-public eParticipation in social media spaces" at Social Media and Society 2016.
Abstract: This paper focuses on the importance of non-public social media
spaces in contemporary democratic participation at the grassroots
level, based on case studies of citizen-led, community and activist
groups. The research pilots the concept of participation spaces to
reify online and offline contexts where people participate in
democracy. Participation spaces include social media presences,
websites, blogs, email, paper media, and physical spaces. This
approach enables the parallel study of diverse spaces (more or less
public; on and offline). Participation spaces were investigated
across three local groups, through interviews and participant
observation; then modelled as Socio-Technical Interaction
Networks (STINs) [1].
This research provides an alternative and richer picture of social
media use, within eParticipation, to studies solely based on public
Internet content, such as data sets of tweets. In the participation
spaces studies most communication takes place in non-public
contexts, such as closed Facebook groups, email, and face-to-face
meetings. Non-public social media spaces are particularly
effective in supporting collaboration between people from diverse
social groups. These spaces can be understood as boundary
objects [2] and play strong roles in democracy.People Ella Taylor-Smith
Colin SmithOrg Units School of Computing
School of Computing Engineering and the Built EnvironmentURL
Academics from the Ionian University of Corfu visit the School of Computing
Apr 11, 2016
Description Dr Petros Kostagiolas and Dr Christina Banou, both from the Ionian University of Corfu took part in an Erasmus exchange with the School of Computing in the week beginning 11th April 2016.
Their visit was organised jointly by Brian Davison, who hosted a research seminar at which both speakers presented, and Hazel Hall, who invited the visitors to contributed to a two-day ESRC-funded training event for students undertaking doctoral studies in Information Science and other related disciplines.
Davison will be making a reciprocal trip to Greece in October 2016.People Brian Davison Org Units School of Computing
School of Computing Engineering and the Built Environment